Gaetano Lettieri


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Dulce naufragium. Desiderio infinito e ateofania in Leopardi 2024
Le nom apocalyptique de Dieu. L’extaticité de Dieu et du moi chez Augustin Noms de Dieu! 2024
Lucretia as a Figure of Mary in Machiavelli’s Mandragola RELIGIONS 2023
Progress: A Key Idea for Origen and Its Inheritance Progress in Origen and the Origenian Tradition 2023
Simonetti liberale. L'ellenizzazione del kerygma e i dualismi cristiani I primi secoli cristiani: il ruolo della filologia e della storia. In ricordo di Manlio Simonetti (Roma, 21-22 ottobre 2021) 2023
Il Frutto nascosto di Flora. La Legge demiurgica immagine del Salvatore pleromatico in Tolomeo gnostico AUCTORES NOSTRI 2023
Erasmo libero. Le litterae e la teologia 2023
Introduzione. Erasmo libero. Il labirinto e la seduzione della teologia Erasmo libero. Le litterae e la teologia 2023
Moses as Figure of the Pope. I. The Papal Centaur in Machiavelli’s Prince THE POPE, NEW MOSES FROM EUGENE IV TO THE MEDICEAN POPES 2023
Moses as Figure of the Pope. II. A Christological-political Topos, from Eugenius IV to Clement VII THE POPE, NEW MOSES FROM EUGENE IV TO THE MEDICEAN POPES 2023
Mosè figura papale ne Il principe di Machiavelli Profezia e politica all’alba dei tempi moderni 2023
Il lupo avrà il sorriso? Conversazioni su Pier Paolo Pasolini 2022
Dostoevskij tra apocalittica e apocatastasi. L’eccezione messianica nella teologia politica de Il Grande Inquisitore Il poema del grande inquisitore. Fra teodicea e modernità 2022
Ego sum qui ero. L’estaticità di Dio e dell’io in Clemente d’Alessandria e Agostino ALVEARIUM 2022
«I più ladri versi e le più ribalde parole…». Una parodia del Cantico dei cantici nella Cortigiana di Pietro Aretino Ad placitum. Pour Irène Rosier-Catach 2021
Postfazione. Concordia discors Le origini cristiane. Testi e autori (secoli I-II) 2021
Lo «spiraculo» di Machiavelli e «le mandragole» di Savonarola. Due misconosciute metafore cristologico-politiche STUDI E MATERIALI DI STORIA DELLE RELIGIONI 2021
Maquiavelo en Venecia. Un agente secreto del papa, la alianza antiimperial y la conspiración “Morone” DE MEDIO AEVO 2021
Il dono di sé. Marion interprete di Agostino Agostino e la sua eredità. Teologia, filosofia e letteratura 2021


  • SH3_10
  • SH5_8
  • SH6_6
  • SH6_8
  • SH6_13
  • SH6_14

Interessi di ricerca

His specialization and his publications focus upon the history of Christianity in the first centuries and upon the history of Christian theological thought. In particular, he has worked upon: the genesis and development of early Christology vis-à-vis the origins of Gnosticism; the historical dialectic between heresy and orthodoxy in early Christianity; the history of Biblical exegesis; the relationship between theologies and anthropologies inspired by the Bible and Platonism; the history, theology and biblical hermeneutics of Gnosticism; the genesis of the first speculative theology at Alexandria, from Clement to Origen; the history of Patristic Trinitarian theology, especially that of Origen, the Cappadocians, Marius Victorinus, and Augustine; the investigation of the historical genesis and systematic nature of the thought of Augustine; the question of political theology from classical antiquity, through the Patristic age (Lactantius, Eusebius, Augustine, Ambrose), to contemporary thought (Schmitt, Peterson, Metz); the study of Patristic Wirkungsgeschichte, especially that of Augustinian and Origenist ideas, from the Middle Ages to German Romanticism; the theological and metaphysical thought of John Scotus Eriugena, in its relationship with Patristic auctoritates; Machiavelli and Christianity, in particular: the pivotal, polemic role played by Machiavelli’s interpretation of Augustine’s De civitate Dei, and the very close relationships of the last Machiavelli with the curia of Clement VII, especially with Jacopo Sadoleto, then with Erasmus and against Luther, within the confessional and military conflicts of the years 1525-1527; the history of Jansenism and the thought of Arnauld, Pascal and Malebranche; the history of Christian mysticism, from Valentinian Gnosticism to Michel de Certeau; the origins and significance of the doctrine of development enunciated by John Henry Newman; the relationship between liberal theology and dialectic theology in Barth and Bultmann; the methodology that is specific to the history of Christianity, as it relates to the history of religions; the response of contemporary thought (especially that of Bultmann, Ricoeur, Derrida) to the theology and history of Christianity; and the relationship obtaining between Christianity, secularization, democracy, and the creation of a lay society.


chiese e istituzioni religiose
storia delle idee
history of theology
political theology
Philosophical Theology
Machiavelli's Prince
Origen of Alexandria
early Christian communities
Textual Hermeneutics

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