Elisabetta Gallo


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Khirbet Al-Batrawy in North-Central Jordan: New Discoveries in the Early Bronze Age Palace, 2018-2020 Proceedings of the 12th International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East 2023
Nannorrhops ritchiana: the dwarf palm tree of the king in the 24th-23rd century BC palace of Jericho 19th Conference of the International Workgroup for Palaeoethnobotany 2022
Teapot or milkpot? About the content of a small, spouted jar from Eb iv (2300-2000 B.C.E.) tell Es-sultan, ancient Jericho MEDITERRANEAN ARCHAEOLOGY & ARCHAEOMETRY 2021
Teapot or milkpot? About the content of a small, spouted jar from eb iv (2300-2000 b.c.e.) Tell es-Sultan, ancient Jericho MEDITERRANEAN ARCHAEOLOGY & ARCHAEOMETRY. INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL 2021
Jamaan & Khirbet al-Jamous: Iron Age Fortresses of the Kingdom of Ammon at the time of Assyrians (Sapienza - DoA rescue excavations) Abstract Book of the 12th International Congresses on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East, Bologna 6-10 April 2021 2021
The dwarf palm tree of the king. A Nannorrhops ritchiana in the 24th-23rd century BC palace of Jericho PLANT BIOSYSTEMS 2020
An Egyptian green schist palette and an amazonite gemstone from the “Palace of the Copper Axes” at Batrawy, Jordan VICINO ORIENTE 2020
Jericho and the chronology of palestine in the early bronze age: A radiometric re-assessment RADIOCARBON 2019
Precious Water. Paths of Jordanian Civilizations as seen in the Italian Archaeological Excavations. Proceedings of an International Conference held in Amman, October 18th 2016 ROME "LA SAPIENZA" STUDIES ON THE ARCHAEOLOGY OF PALESTINE AND TRANSJORDAN. 2017
The ceramic of the “Palace of the Copper Axes” (Khirbet al-Batrawy, Jordan). A palatial special production CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL 2016

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