Iolanda Plescia


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Translation and the Non-Literary Text: from early to late modern English. Issue no. 17 of Status Quaestionis STATUS QUAESTIONIS 2019
La lingua di Shakespeare e l'ingiuria del tempo: tradurre Troilo e Cressida Il tempo e i luoghi della poesia. Riflessioni sulla traduzione di testi in lingua inglese 2018
Elizabeth I in Writing. Language, Power and Representation in Early Modern England, 2018
Introduction: Elizabeth I in Writing Elizabeth I in Writing. Language, Power and Representation in Early Modern England, 2018
Multilingualism at the Tudor Court: Henry, Elizabeth and the Love Letter Genre Elizabeth I in Writing: Language, Power and Representation in Early Modern England 2018
"In Caesar's Name Pronounce I": Language and Power in Shakespeare's Roman Plays Rome in Shakespeare's World 2018
“Refuse thy name”: Some Further Notes on Language, Authority, and Roses Authority, Resistance, and Woe. Romeo and Juliet and Its Afterlife 2018
'Now Brought Before You in English Habit': An Early Modern Translation of Galileo into English Translating Early Modern Science 2017
Nota bibliografica, sulle traduzioni italiane e sulle rappresentazioni Le allegre madame di Windsor 2017
The Shape of a Language - Memoria di Shakespeare. A Journal of Shakespearean Studies 3/2016 MEMORIA DI SHAKESPEARE 2017
Editor's Foreword MEMORIA DI SHAKESPEARE 2017
The Shape of Early Modern English: An Interview with Jonathan Culpeper on the Encyclopedia of Shakespeare's Language Project MEMORIA DI SHAKESPEARE 2017
The Language of Science in Shakespeare's Time Shakespeare and the New Science in Early Modern Culture / Shakespeare e la nuova scienza nella cultura early modern 2016
Troilo e Cressida 2015

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