Mariano Bizzarri


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
The potential therapeutic effects of melatonin on breast cancer: An invasion and metastasis inhibitor PATHOLOGY, RESEARCH AND PRACTICE 2020
C-Src recruitment is Involved in c-MET-mediated malignant behaviour of NT2D1 non-seminoma cells INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES 2019
Simulated microgravity promotes the formation of tridimensional cultures and stimulates pluripotency and a glycolytic metabolism in human hepatic and biliary tree stem/progenitor cells SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 2019
Active fraction from embryo fish extracts induces reversion of the malignant invasive phenotype in breast cancer through down-regulation of TCTP and modulation of E-cadherin/β-catenin pathway INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES 2019
Myo-Inositol treatment inhibits motility in triple negative breast cancer via miR-125a-5p/IP6K1 axis EMBL CONFERENCE: Cancer Genomics 2019
The activation of miR-125a-5p/IP6K1 axis in breast cancer cells upon treatment with myo-Inositol. 16th Horizons in Molecular Biology, International PhD Student Symposium and Career Fair for Life Sciences 2019
Reproducibility crisis. Impact on uncontrolled release of nutraceutical preparations ORGANISMS 2019
Phenotypic transitions enacted by simulated microgravity do not alter coherence in gene transcription profile NPJ MICROGRAVITY 2019
A call for a better understanding of causation in cell biology NATURE REVIEWS. MOLECULAR CELL BIOLOGY 2019
Co-emergence and Collapse: The Mesoscopic Approach for Conceptualizing and Investigating the Functional Integration of Organisms FRONTIERS IN PHYSIOLOGY 2019
Phase transitions in tumor growth VII: The effect of periodic glucose pulses and privations in a cancer model INTEGRATIVE CANCER SCIENCE AND THERAPEUTICS 2019
Physiological Responses of Jurkat Lymphocytes to Simulated Microgravity Conditions INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES 2019
Increase in motility and invasiveness of MCF7 cancer cells induced by nicotine is abolished by melatonin through inhibition of ERK phosphorylation JOURNAL OF PINEAL RESEARCH 2018
Nicotine increases colon cancer cell migration and invasion through epithelial to mesenchymal transition (EMT): COX-2 involvement JOURNAL OF CELLULAR PHYSIOLOGY 2018
Systems biology approach and mathematical modeling for analyzing phasespace switch during epithelial-mesenchymal transition Systems biology 2018
Gravity constraints drive biological systems toward specific organization patterns. Commitment of cell specification is constrained by physical cues BIOESSAYS 2018
Physical constraints in cell fate specification. A case in point. Microgravity and phenotypes differentiation PROGRESS IN BIOPHYSICS & MOLECULAR BIOLOGY 2018
Myo-inositol and D-chiro-inositol (40:1) reverse histological and functional features of polycystic ovary syndrome in a mouse model JOURNAL OF CELLULAR PHYSIOLOGY 2018
Inositols in Insulin Signaling and Glucose Metabolism INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENDOCRINOLOGY 2018
Natural products - alpha-lipoic acid and acetyl-L-carnitine - in the treatment of chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy EUROPEAN REVIEW FOR MEDICAL AND PHARMACOLOGICAL SCIENCES 2018


  • LS1_7
  • LS2
  • LS2_13
  • LS3_4
  • LS3_8


  • Life-science technologies & biotechnologies

Interessi di ricerca

Main research fields can be summarized as follows:

  • Systems Biology approach in the integrative understanding of cell and tumor biology, namely by focusing on cell phenotypic transition, tumor reversion and cell-microenvironment crosstalk
  • Biophysical constraints in carcinogenesis and cell fate commitment
  • Inositol in physiology and pathology
  • Metabolism and pharmacodynamics of network pharmacology
  • Cytoskeleton and fractal shape analysis

Space Biomedicine


simulated microgravity
cell fate transition

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma