Cristina Lemorini


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Pesi e fuseruole. La tessitura nelle comunità eneolitiche del territorio di Roma Roma prima del mito. Abitati e necropoli dal neolitico alla prima età dei metalli nel territorio di Roma (VI-III millennio a.C.). Vol. 2. Aspetti culturali e contributi specialistici 2020
The Late Chalcolithic and Early Bronze Age technologies in Anatolia. A review of the studies on chipped stones Pathways through Arslantepe. Essays in Honour of Marcella Frangipane 2020
Ricostruzione del gesto artistico preistorico attraverso un approccio integrato di archeologiasperimentale, analisi delle tracce tecnologiche e foto-modellazione 3D: il caso studio delle Veneri di Parabita La Grotta delle Veneri di Parabita (Lecce) 2020
Rewind the tape. From tool to the activity: questions of specialization in the Iron Gates region during Mesolithic and Early Neolithic period European Association of Archaeologists (EAA), Virtual Annual Meeting, book of abstracts 2020
To fish or not to fish? Fish processing at Iron Gates: an experimental approach MESO’ 2020 – Tenth International Conference on the Mesolithic in Europe, book of abstracts 2020
Testing the hypothesis: experimental approach and use-wear analysis in prehistoric archaeology Science ABC – Science Applications Becoming Culture, book of abstracts 2020
Experimental archaeology for the interpretation of use-wear The case study of the small tools of Fontana Ranuccio (late Lower Palaeolithic, Central Italy) Beyond Use-Wear Traces: Going from tools to people by means of archaeological wear and residue analyses 2020
The points reference collection PALETHNOLOGIE 2019
Old stones’ song—second verse. Use-wear analysis of rhyolite and fenetized andesite artifacts from the Oldowan lithic industry of Kanjera South, Kenya ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND ANTHROPOLOGICAL SCIENCES 2019
Animal residues found on tiny Lower Paleolithic tools reveal their use in butchery SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 2019
La funzione degli “small tools” nell’ambito delle industrie litiche scheggiate acheuleane della penisola italiana. Il caso studio del sito laziale di Fontana Ranuccio (FR) IPOTESI DI PREISTORIA 2019
The use-wear studies on the lithic industries PALETHNOLOGIE 2019
Approaches to the acquisition and use of animal materials PALETHNOLOGIE 2019
Behind the scenes. Introduction to the human activities in the Iron Gates region. Preliminary use-wear analysis of chipped stone artefacts from Lepenski Vir and Padina (Serbia) 12th Symposium on Knappable Materials (ISKM), program, abstracts, field guide, Hungarian National Museum, Budapest, November 18-22, 2019 2019
The contribution of experimental archaeology in addressing the analysis of residues on spindle-whorls EXARC JOURNAL 2019
Gli scavi alla Terramara di Pragatto (BO): dai primi dati al progetto di ricerca. Trent’anni di tutela e ricerca preistorica in Emilia occidentale 2019
Small tools and the Palaeoloxodon- Homo interaction in the Lower Palaeolithic. The contribution of use-wear analysis Palaeolithic Italy. Advanced studies on early human adaptations in the Apennine peninsula. 2018
The textile culture at Pompeii project Textiles and Dyes in the Mediterranean Economy and Society 2018
I più antichi agricoltori italiani. Nuove prospettive di ricerca su base multidisciplinare Preistoria e Protostoria della Puglia 2017


  • SH6_1

Interessi di ricerca

My main iterests built on a long learning/teaching experience are: Iinvestigation of the hominins cognition and behavior by means of experimental archaeology,technological analysis and functional analysis of archaeological artifacts. Application of innovative techniques to interpret technology and craft  activities in the Past.

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma