Titolo | Pubblicato in | Anno |
The function of recycled lithic items at late Lower Paleolithic Qesem Cave, Israel. An overview of the use-wear data | QUATERNARY INTERNATIONAL | 2015 |
Fat residue and use-wear found on Acheulian biface and scraper associated with butchered elephant remains at the site of Revadim, Israel | PLOS ONE | 2015 |
Distribution of artifacts and ecofacts in an early bronze age house in Eastern Anatolia. Space use and household economy at Arslantepe VI b2 (2900–2750 bce) | JOURNAL OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL SCIENCE: REPORTS | 2015 |
Il sito fortificato di Meduno Sach di Sotto (Pordenone) nel quadro dell'Eneolitico dell'Italia nord-orientale | GORTANIA. GEOLOGIA PALEONTOLOGIA PALETNOLOGIA | 2015 |
Palaeoloxodon and human interaction. Depositional setting, chronology and archaeology at the middle pleistocene Ficoncella site (Tarquinia, Italy) | PLOS ONE | 2015 |
The origins of recycling. A Paleolithic perspective | QUATERNARY INTERNATIONAL | 2015 |
My main iterests built on a long learning/teaching experience are: Iinvestigation of the hominins cognition and behavior by means of experimental archaeology,technological analysis and functional analysis of archaeological artifacts. Application of innovative techniques to interpret technology and craft activities in the Past.
© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma