Annamaria Gisario


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Design, manufacturing and preliminary assessment of the suitability of bioplastic bottles for wine packaging POLYMER TESTING 2021
Corotating twin-screw extrusion of poly(lactic acid) PLA/poly(butylene succinate) PBS/ micro-lamellar talc blends for extrusion blow molding of biobased bottles for alcoholic beverages JOURNAL OF APPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE 2021
WC-Ti coatings deposited via cold gas spray and modified by laser and furnace heat treatments JOURNAL OF THERMAL SPRAY TECHNOLOGY 2021
Laser welding of nickel-titanium (NiTi) shape memory alloys Handbooks in Advanced Manufacturing 2021
Laser sealing of compostable packaging solutions: experimental approach and adhesion mechanisms OPTICS AND LASERS IN ENGINEERING 2020
Laser sealing of PLA-based compostable coffee capsules OPTICS AND LASER TECHNOLOGY 2020
Prediction model for determining the optimum operational parameters in laser forming of fiber-reinforced composites ADVANCES IN MANUFACTURING 2020
Manufacturing of cellulose-based paper: dynamic water absorption before and after fiber modifications with hydrophobic agents APPLIED PHYSICS. A, MATERIALS SCIENCE & PROCESSING 2020
Investigation on the functionality of laser-welded NiTi to NiTiCu shape memory wires JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT MATERIAL SYSTEMS AND STRUCTURES 2020
Print base decorative paper with high-dimensional stability by chemical fiber modification: an experimental and analytical approach JOURNAL OF APPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE 2020
Investigation on shape recovery of 3D printed honeycomb sandwich structure POLYMERS FOR ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES 2020
Investigation on the functionality of thermoresponsive origami structures ADVANCED ENGINEERING MATERIALS 2020
Dissimilar laser welding of NiTi wires LASERS IN MANUFACTURING AND MATERIALS PROCESSING 2019
Hot corrosion resistance of laser-sealed thermal-sprayed cermet coatings COATINGS 2019
Numerical study for prediction of optimum operational parameters in laser welding of NiTi alloy OPTICS AND LASER TECHNOLOGY 2019
LaserOrigami (LO) of three-dimensional (3D) components: experimental analysis and numerical modeling-part II JOURNAL OF MANUFACTURING PROCESSES 2019
An artificial neural network model for laser transmission welding of biodegradable polyethylene terephthalate/polyethylene vinyl acetate (PET/PEVA) blends INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL, ADVANCED MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY 2019
Effect of welding parameters on functionality of dissimilar laser-welded NiTi superelastic (SE) to shape memory effect (SME) wires INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL, ADVANCED MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY 2019
The potential of additive manufacturing in the smart factory industrial 4.0: A review APPLIED SCIENCES 2019
Metal additive manufacturing in the commercial aviation industry: a review JOURNAL OF MANUFACTURING SYSTEMS 2019

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