Cristiana Poggi


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Spatial analysis of entomological factors affecting malaria transmission in the village of Goden (Burkina Faso) XXXIII Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana di Parassitologia Formazione è futuro in parassitologia 2024
Longitudinal survey of insecticide resistance in a village of Central Region of Burkina Faso reveals co-occurrence of 1014F, 1014S and 402L mutations in Anopheles coluzzii and Anopheles arabiensis XXXIII Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana di Parassitologia Formazione è futuro in parassitologia 2024
Population dynamics of sympatric Phortica spp. and first record of stable presence of Phortica oldenbergi in a Thelazia callipaeda-endemic area of Italy PARASITES & VECTORS 2024
Longitudinal survey of insecticide resistance in a village of central region of Burkina Faso reveals co-occurrence of 1014F, 1014S and 402L mutations in Anopheles coluzzii and Anopheles arabiensis MALARIA JOURNAL 2024
Investigating the presence of three sympatric Phortica spp. in the Latium region (Manziana, Rome, Italy) Book of abstract european congress of entomology 2023
The interplay between malaria vectors and human activity accounts for high residual malaria transmission in a Burkina Faso village with universal ITN coverage PARASITES & VECTORS 2023
A new FTA card-based trapping system for mosquito-borne e diseases surveillance Book of abstract european congress of entomology 2023
Laboratory breeding of two Phortica species (Diptera: Drosophilidae), vectors of the zoonotic eyeworm Thelazia callipaeda PARASITES & VECTORS 2022
Interplay between vector biting rhythms and human habits accounts for high residual malaria transmission in Burkina Faso despite the extensive coverage of insecticide treated nets (LLINs) Meeting following a pandemic; bringing clarity to vector ecology in days of uncertainty 2022
Questionnaire survey of Thelazia callipaeda prevalence in Italy and vector samplings indicate Lazio region as a hot-spot of thelaziosis Atti del XXXI Congresso nazionale della società italiana di parassitologia: I parassiti del terzo millennio & 2021 ESDA event. Dirofilariosis and angiostrongylosis: from the past to the future 2021

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