Matteo Fiorucci


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
The preparatory role of natural and anthropogenic wildfires on the occurrence of shallow landslides and their territorial distribution in view of effect scenarios conditioned by the temporal distance from fire events Book of abstracts of the RETURN Dissemination Workshop held in Torino (Italy) 2024
Safeguarding archaeological excavations and preserving cultural heritage in cave environments through engineering geological and geophysical approaches JOURNAL OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL SCIENCE: REPORTS 2024
Earthquake‑triggered landslide susceptibility in Italy by means of Artificial Neural Network BULLETIN OF ENGINEERING GEOLOGY AND THE ENVIRONMENT 2023
Increase in landslide activity after a low-magnitude earthquake as inferred from DInSAR interferometry SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 2022
2D simplified landslide models inferred by statistical analyses on existing landslide databases for multi-hazard analysis: an application to the Campotosto Lake basin (Central Apennines, Italy) EGUSphere - EGU General Assembly 2022
Role of Antecedent Rainfall in the Earthquake-Triggered Shallow Landslides Involving Unsaturated Slope Covers APPLIED SCIENCES 2022
Seismic response of landslides to natural and man-induced ground vibrations: Evidence from the Petacciato coastal slope (central Italy) ENGINEERING GEOLOGY 2022
Analysis of local seismic response in the historical city centre of Nafplio (Greece) Proceedings of the Third European Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Seismology - 3ECEES 2022
Explorative data analysis from multiparametric monitoring at the Acuto Field Laboratory (Central Italy) for detecting preparatory conditions to rock block instabilities ITALIAN JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING GEOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENT 2022
Environmental forcings and micro‑seismic monitoring in a rock wall prone to fall during the 2018 Buran winter storm NATURAL HAZARDS 2021
Integrated geophysical and geotechnical monitoring for multiscale rock mass damaging investigation at the Acuto Field-Lab (Italy) EGU General Assembly 2021 2021
3D Thermal Monitoring of Jointed Rock Masses through Infrared Thermography and Photogrammetry REMOTE SENSING 2021
Engineering-geological features supporting a seismic-driven multi-hazard scenario in the Lake Campotosto area (L’Aquila, Italy) GEOSCIENCES 2021
Thermal monitoring to infer possible interactions between shallow hydrothermal system and slope-scale gravitational deformation of Mt Epomeo (Ischia Island, Italy) Volcanic Island: from Hazard Assessment to Risk Mitigation 2021
Profiling of the recent deposits of Nafplio coastal plain (Greece) from engineering geological modelling and geophysical surveys Proceedings of 3rd European Regional Conference of the International Association for Engineering Geology & the Environment 2021
Landslides triggered after the 16 August 2018 Mw 5.1 Molise earthquake (Italy) by a combination of intense rainfalls and seismic shaking LANDSLIDES 2020
Modelling of thermo-mechanical effects in a rock quarry wall induced by near-surface temperature fluctuations INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ROCK MECHANICS AND MINING SCIENCES 2020
Comparison of Approaches for Data Analysis of Multi-Parametric Monitoring Systems: Insights from the Acuto Test-Site (Central Italy) APPLIED SCIENCES 2020
Il Catalogo CEDIT: dall’inventario degli effetti sismoindotti all’analisi di scenario - The CEDIT Catalogue: from inventorying of earthquake-induced ground effects to analysis of scenario Giornate di Geologia e Storia 2020
Multisensor monitoring for detecting rock wall instabilities from precursors to failures: The Acuto test-site (Central Italy) ISRM International Symposium - EUROCK 2020 2020


  • PE10_5
  • PE10_20


engineering geology
earthquake-triggered landslides
multi-parametric monitoring system
rock masses
IR thermography
slope stability

Gruppi di ricerca

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma