Alice Peduzzi


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Arsenite and arsenate stress differently affect auxin distribution in rice roots and brassinosteroids restore it sustaining root system plasticity PLANT STRESS 2024
Salt stress alters root meristem definition, vascular differentiation and metabolome in Sorghum bicolor (L.) genotypes ENVIRONMENTAL AND EXPERIMENTAL BOTANY 2024
Hormonal treatments to mitigate salt-stress effects on two commercial hybrids of Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench: a comparison between IAA and eBL exogenous application effects Abstracts Book riunione annuale dei gruppi di lavoro “Biologia cellulare e molecolare” e “Biotecnologie e differenziamento" 2024
The effects of salt-stress on Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench root system: morphofunctional, cytohistological and metabolomic analyses Abstracts Book riunione annuale dei gruppi di lavoro “Biologia cellulare e molecolare” e “Biotecnologie e differenziamento" 2023
ROOT SYSTEM PLASTICITY IS ESSENTIAL TO OVERCOME AS TOXICITY IN RICE: THE ROLE OF BRASSINOSTEROIDS XIV International Scientific Agriculture Symposium "Agrosym 2023" - Symposium Programme 2023
Salt-stress, effects on the root system of two Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench hybrids: morpho-functional, cytohistological and metabolomic analyses Abstract book 118 congresso della società botanica italiana, IX international plant science conference (IPSC) 2023
Anti-Mold Effectiveness of a Green Emulsion Based on Citrus aurantium Hydrolate and Cinnamomum zeylanicum Essential Oil for the Modern Paintings Restoration MICROORGANISMS 2022
Il Silenzio: The First Renaissance Oil Painting on Canvas from the Uffizi Museum Restored with a Safe, Green Antimicrobial Emulsion Based on Citrus aurantium var. amara Hydrolate and Cinnamomum zeylanicum Essential Oil JOURNAL OF FUNGI 2022

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