Domenico Corigliano


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Exploring the effectiveness of targeted memory reactivation on emotional implicit memory SLEEP MEDICINE 2024
The Word-Pseudoword Association Learning task (WPAL): development and validation of a novel parallel-version self-administered tool for sleep-memory studies. JOURNAL OF SLEEP RESEARCH 2024
Exploring electroencephalographic patterns of wakefulness after REM sleep fragmentation: preliminary results. JOURNAL OF SLEEP RESEARCH 2024
Effectiveness of transcranial direct current stimulation and monoclonal antibodies acting on the CGRP as a combined treatment for migraine (TACTIC) – preliminary results THE JOURNAL OF HEADACHE AND PAIN 2024
The effects of bifrontal anodal transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) on sleepiness and vigilance in partially sleep-deprived subjects: A multidimensional study JOURNAL OF SLEEP RESEARCH 2023
Poor sleep quality, insomnia, and short sleep duration before infection predict long-term symptoms after COVID-19 BRAIN, BEHAVIOR, AND IMMUNITY 2023
Assessing Resilience to Sleep Loss Among the Italian Population: A 13-Item Model of the Iowa Resistance to Sleeplessness Test (iREST) NATURE AND SCIENCE OF SLEEP 2023
Poor sleep quality and insomnia severity before SARS-CoV-2 infection as risk factors for long COVID symptoms. JOURNAL OF SLEEP RESEARCH 2023
Understanding the role of REM sleep continuity in emotional memory and emotional reactivity through a new methodological approach. JOURNAL OF SLEEP RESEARCH 2023
Poor sleep quality and insomnia severity before infection predict long-term symptoms after COVID-19. SLEEP MEDICINE 2023
The effects of REM sleep fragmentation on emotional memory and reactivity through a new methodological approach: preliminary data. SLEEP MEDICINE 2023
Effectiveness of Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation and monoclonal antibodies acting on the CGRP as a combined treatment for migraine (TACTIC) – preliminary results NEUROLOGICAL SCIENCES 2023
Two years after lockdown: Longitudinal trajectories of sleep disturbances and mental health over the COVID-19 pandemic, and the effects of age, gender and chronotype JOURNAL OF SLEEP RESEARCH 2022
Remote working due to the COVID-19 pandemic eliminated the vulnerability to sleep disturbances of evening-type people relieving their predisposition toward depression. SLEEP MEDICINE 2022
Boosting vocabulary learning during sleep via a portable closed-loop targeted memory reactivation system in a home setting: a pilot study. SLEEP MEDICINE 2022
Lo smart working durante la pandemia di COVID-19 rimuove la vulnerabilità ai problemi di sonno delle persone con cronotipo serotino e ne allevia la predisposizione alla depressione. SLEEP MEDICINE 2022
Favorire l’apprendimento di vocaboli durante il sonno attraverso un sistema di closed-loop targeted memory reactivation in setting domestico: uno studio pilota. SLEEP MEDICINE 2022
Two years later: reassuring longitudinal trajectories of sleep quality, insomnia, and mental health over the endless pandemic. JOURNAL OF SLEEP RESEARCH 2022
Enhancement of vocabulary learning in an ecological home setting by closed-loop targeted memory reactivation: a pilot study. JOURNAL OF SLEEP RESEARCH 2022
Changes of evening exposure to electronic devices during the COVID-19 lockdown affect the time course of sleep disturbances SLEEP 2021

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