Daria Scerrato


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Functional adaptation of bone mechanical properties using a diffusive stimulus originated by dynamic loads in bone remodelling ZEITSCHRIFT FUR ANGEWANDTE MATHEMATIK UND PHYSIK 2024
A model for the bio-mechanical stimulus in bone remodelling as a diffusive signalling agent for bones reconstructed with bio-resorbable grafts MECHANICS RESEARCH COMMUNICATIONS 2023
A Proposal for a Novel Formulation Based on the Hyperbolic Cattaneo’s Equation to Describe the Mechano-Transduction Process Occurring in Bone Remodeling SYMMETRY 2022
Bio-Inspired Design of a Porous Resorbable Scaffold for Bone Reconstruction: A Preliminary Study BIOMIMETICS 2021
In-depth gaze at the astonishing mechanical behavior of bone: A review for designing bio-inspired heirarchical metamaterials MATHEMATICS AND MECHANICS OF SOLIDS 2020
A review of recent developments in mathematical modeling of bone remodeling PROCEEDINGS OF THE INSTITUTION OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS. PART H, JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING IN MEDICINE 2020
Advances in pantographic structures: design, manufacturing, models, experiments and image analyses CONTINUUM MECHANICS AND THERMODYNAMICS 2019
Biaxial bias extension test for pantographic sheets Shell Structures: Theory and Applications Volume 4 - Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Shell Structures: Theory and Applications, SSTA 2017 2018
Multi-scale concrete model with rate-dependent internal friction EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL AND CIVIL ENGINEERING 2017
Euromech 563 Cisterna di Latina 17-21 March 2014. Generalized continua and their applications to the design of composites and metamaterials. A review of presentations and discussions MATHEMATICS AND MECHANICS OF SOLIDS 2017
Combined polarization field gradient and strain field gradient effects in elastic flexoelectric materials MATHEMATICS AND MECHANICS OF SOLIDS 2017
Modeling of a non-local stimulus for bone remodeling process under cyclic load: Application to a dental implant using a bioresorbable porous material MATHEMATICS AND MECHANICS OF SOLIDS 2017
Modeling and designing micro- and nano-structured metamaterials: Towards the application of exotic behaviors MATHEMATICS AND MECHANICS OF SOLIDS 2017
A visco-poroelastic model of functional adaptation in bones reconstructed with bio-resorbable materials BIOMECHANICS AND MODELING IN MECHANOBIOLOGY 2016
Towards the design of an enriched concrete with enhanced dissipation performances CEMENT AND CONCRETE RESEARCH 2016
Three-dimensional instabilities of pantographic sheets with parabolic lattices: numerical investigations ZEITSCHRIFT FUR ANGEWANDTE MATHEMATIK UND PHYSIK 2016
A micro-structural model for dissipation phenomena in the concrete INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR NUMERICAL AND ANALYTICAL METHODS IN GEOMECHANICS 2015

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