Giuseppe Cantisani


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Cambiamenti climatici, infrastrutture e mobilità: Soluzioni e strategie per gli investimenti infrastrutturali in un contesto di adattamento ai cambiamenti climatici e di mitigazione delle emissioni di gas-serra - Rapporto della “Commissione cambiamenti climatici, infrastrutture e mobilità sostenibili” 2022
Median design to provide stopping sight distance along horizontal curves in urban freeways ADVANCES IN TRANSPORTATION STUDIES 2022
Cyclists at roundabouts. Risk analysis and rational criteria for choosing safer layouts INFRASTRUCTURES 2021
Effect of sampietrini pavers on urban heat islands INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH 2021
Results of Micro-Simulation Model for Exploring Drivers' Behavior on Acceleration Lanes EUROPEAN TRANSPORT/TRASPORTI EUROPEI 2020
Operating times and users' behavior at urban road intersections SUSTAINABILITY 2020
Procedure for the Identification of Existing Roads Alignment from Georeferenced Points Database INFRASTRUCTURES 2020
Re-thinking the road infrastructure for new urban mobility needs Pedestrians, Urban Spaces and Health - Proceedings of the XXIV International Conference on Living and Walking in Cities (LWC, September 12-13, 2019, Brescia, Italy) 2020
Safety problems in urban cycling mobility. A quantitative risk analysis at urban intersections SAFETY 2019
Calcestruzzo poroso per pavimentazioni pedonali STRADE & AUTOSTRADE 2019
Risk analysis and safer layout design solutions for bicycles in four-leg urban intersections SAFETY 2019
Rilevazione precoce e gestione dei guasti d'arco nei circuiti elettrici delle gallerie stradali // Immediate detection and management of arc faults in the electric circuits of road tunnels GEAM. GEOINGEGNERIA AMBIENTALE E MINERARIA 2019
Effects of vehicular speed on the assessment of pavement road roughness APPLIED SCIENCES 2019
Italian road tunnels: economic and environmental effects of an on-going project to reduce lighting consumption SUSTAINABILITY 2019
Natural lighting of road pre-tunnels: A methodology to assess the luminance on the pavement - Part II TUNNELLING AND UNDERGROUND SPACE TECHNOLOGY 2018
Natural lighting of road pre-tunnels: A methodology to assess the luminance on the pavement - Part I TUNNELLING AND UNDERGROUND SPACE TECHNOLOGY 2018
The public safety zones around small and medium airports AEROSPACE 2018
Calibration and validation of and results from a micro-simulation model to explore drivers’ actual use of acceleration lanes SIMULATION MODELLING PRACTICE AND THEORY 2018
Prioritization methodology for roadside and guardrail improvement: Quantitative calculation of safety level and optimization of resources allocation JOURNAL OF TRAFFIC AND TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERING 2018
Comparative life cycle assessment of lighting systems and road pavements in an Italian twin- tube road tunnel SUSTAINABILITY 2018


  • PE8_3


  • Sustainable technologies & development

Interessi di ricerca

Geometria funzionale delle infrastrutture viarie; analisi e definizione progettuale e costruttiva degli elementi infrastrutturali; applicazioni geomatiche per le infrastrutture e per il territorio; sicurezza attiva e passiva della circolazione stradale; percezione e comportamentistica; irregolarità e dinamica del moto veicolare; manutenzione delle infrastrutture; illuminotecnica e impiantistica stradale; sicurezza delle gallerie e delle altre opere d’arte principali.


mobilità sostenibile
design e territorio

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma