Giuseppe Sappa


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Water Resources Management Under Climate Change Pressure in Limpopo National Park Buffer Zone Advances in Geoethics and Groundwater Management. Theory and Practice for a Sustainable Development. Proceedings of the 1st Congress on Geoethics and Groundwater Management (GEOETH&GWM'20), Porto, Portugal 2020 2021
Mobility of nZVI in a Reconstructed Porous Media Monitored by an Image Analysis Procedure WATER 2021
Climate change and groundwater resources availability in the Great Limpopo National Park (Mozambique): the current state of knowledge MEDITERRANEAN GEOSCIENCE REVIEWS 2021
Karst recharge areas identified by combined application of isotopes and hydrogeological budget WATER 2021
Quali-quantitative considerations on low-flow well purging and sampling // Considerazioni quali-quantitative sullo spurgo e campionamento a basso flusso dei piezometri ACQUE SOTTERRANEE 2021
Natural Hazards Coming from Trace Elements Natural Enrichment. The Bevera Valley Basin (Northern Italy) Case History Advances in Natural Hazards and Hydrological Risks: Meeting the Challenge, Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Natural Hazards (NATHAZ’19), Pico Island Azores 2019 2020
The relationship between the concentration of rare earth elements in landfill soil and their distribution in the parent material:.A case study from Cerreto, Roccasecca, Central Italy JOURNAL OF GEOCHEMICAL EXPLORATION 2020
Assessment of trace elements natural enrichment in topsoil by some Italian case studies SN APPLIED SCIENCES 2020
Karst spring recharge areas and discharge relationship by oxygen-18 and deuterium isotopes analyses. A case study in southern latium region, Italy APPLIED SCIENCES 2020
Hydraulic conductivity estimation using low-flow purging data elaboration in contaminated sites WATER 2020
Potential toxic elements in groundwater and their health risk assessment in drinking water of Limpopo National Park, Gaza Province, Southern Mozambique ENVIRONMENTAL GEOCHEMISTRY AND HEALTH 2020
Nanoparticles in environmental applications. First laboratory assessments of nanoparticles mobility in porous media 20th International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference SGEM 2020 2020
SPI and recession curves analysis for karst spring management. A case study in central Italy 20th International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference SGEM 2020 2020
Assessment of groundwater quality in the buffer zone of Limpopo National Park, Gaza Province, Southern Mozambique ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH INTERNATIONAL 2019
The LCA methodology for ceramic tiles production by addition of MSWI BA RESOURCES 2019
Assessment of debris-flow erosion and deposit areas by morphometric analysis and a GIS-based simplified procedure. A case study of Paupisi in the southern apennines SUSTAINABILITY 2019
Groundwater quality assessment in a karst coastal region of the West Aurunci Mountains (Central Italy) GEOFLUIDS 2019
Evaluation of minimum karst spring discharge using a simple rainfall-input model: The case study of Capodacqua di Spigno Spring (Central Italy) WATER 2019
Environmental issues and anthropic pressures in coastal aquifers. A case study in Southern Latium Region // Aspetti ambientali e pressioni antropiche negli acquiferi costieri: un caso di studio nel Lazio meridionale ACQUE SOTTERRANEE 2019
Reuse of mswi ba in the ceramic tiles production: An experimental industrial activity in latium region (central Italy) 19th International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference, SGEM 2019: Nano, Bio, Green and Space Technologies for a Sustainable Future 2019


  • SH7_5
  • SH7_6
  • PE10_11
  • PE8_11


  • Advanced manufacturing & processing
  • Sustainable technologies & development

Interessi di ricerca

Sfruttamento, gestione sostenibile delle risorse idriche sotterranee

Approccio multitracciante alla caratterizzazione delle acque sotterranee

Definizione dei valori di fondo naturale ed antropico per i suoli e per le acque sotterranee

Caratterizzazione ambientale dei suoli e delle acque sotterranee


groundwater circulation well
groundwater quality assessment
groundwater pumping wells
groundwater recharge areas
groundwater contamination

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma