Sara Pompili


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Social Anxiety and Drunkorexia Behaviors among Adolescents and Young Adults: The Moderating Role of Resilience SUBSTANCE USE & MISUSE 2024
Binge eating as an emotional response to the COVID-19 pandemic: a sequential mediation model via the impact of events and social anxiety JOURNAL OF EATING DISORDERS 2024
Individualism-Collectivism and COVID-19 Prevention Behaviors in Young Adults: The Indirect Effects of Psychological Distress and Pandemic Fears JOURNAL OF PSYCHOLOGY 2023
Exploring the Relationship between Dysfunctional Metacognitive Processes and Orthorexia Nervosa: The Moderating Role of Emotion Regulation Strategies BMC PSYCHIATRY 2023
Love in Quarantine: Sexting, Stress, and Coping During the COVID-19 Lockdown SEXUALITY RESEARCH AND SOCIAL POLICY 2023
A model to understand {COVID}-19 preventive behaviors in young adults: Health locus of control and pandemic-related fear JOURNAL OF HEALTH PSYCHOLOGY 2022
Investigating the relationship between food and alcohol disturbance and coping styles among young adults JOURNAL OF SUBSTANCE USE 2022
Love in quarantine: sexting, stress, and coping during the COVID-19 lockdown SEXUALITY RESEARCH AND SOCIAL POLICY 2021
Problematic alcohol use in young adults during the COVID-19 lockdown in Italy PSYCHOLOGY, HEALTH & MEDICINE 2021
Binge eating and binge drinking behaviors: the role of family functioning PSYCHOLOGY, HEALTH & MEDICINE 2020
Exploring the association between psychological distress and drunkorexia behaviors in non-clinical adolescents: the moderating role of emotional dysregulation EATING AND WEIGHT DISORDERS 2020
Drunkorexia: An Examination of the Role of Theory of Mind and Emotional Awareness among Adolescents DEVELOPMENTAL NEUROPSYCHOLOGY 2020
Dysfunctional metacognition processes as risk factors for drunkorexia during adolescence JOURNAL OF ADDICTIVE DISEASES 2020
Psychological characteristics and eating attitudes in adolescents with drunkorexia behavior: an exploratory study EATING AND WEIGHT DISORDERS 2019
Heavy episodic drinking in late adolescents: The role of theory of mind and conformity drinking motives ADDICTIVE BEHAVIORS 2019
Emotion regulation and alcohol abuse in second-generation immigrant adolescents: The protective role of cognitive reappraisal JOURNAL OF HEALTH PSYCHOLOGY 2019
Drunkorexia among adolescents. The role of motivations and emotion regulation EATING BEHAVIORS 2018
Metacognition, emotional functioning and binge eating in adolescence: the moderation role of need to control thoughts EATING AND WEIGHT DISORDERS 2018
Cognitive and affective empathy in binge drinking adolescents: does empathy moderate the effect of self-efficacy in resisting peer pressure to drink? ADDICTIVE BEHAVIORS 2018
Drunkorexia: Disordered eating behaviors and risky alcohol consumption among adolescents JOURNAL OF HEALTH PSYCHOLOGY 2018

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma