Fabiano Bini


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Tocilizumab for patients with COVID-19 pneumonia. The single-arm TOCIVID-19 prospective trial JOURNAL OF TRANSLATIONAL MEDICINE 2020
Validation of the objective assessment of facial movement with a new software-based system ACTA OTO-LARYNGOLOGICA 2019
Geometrical Modelling Effects on FEA of Colorectal Surgery COMPUTER-AIDED DESIGN AND APPLICATIONS 2019
Gait phase proportions in different locomotion tasks: the pivot role of golden ratio NEUROSCIENCE LETTERS 2019
Spatial and temporal characteristics of the spine muscles activation during walking in patients with lumbar instability due to degenerative lumbar disk disease: Evaluation in pre-surgical setting HUMAN MOVEMENT SCIENCE 2019
A 3D model of the effect of tortuosity and constrictivity on the diffusion in mineralized collagen fibril SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 2019
Automatic colorectal segmentation with convolutional neural network COMPUTER-AIDED DESIGN AND APPLICATIONS 2019
Combining additive manufacturing and computational fluid dynamics to optimize scaffold design: a preliminary study MATERIALS TODAY: PROCEEDINGS 2019
Prediction of stress and strain patterns from load rearrangement in human osteoarthritic femur head: Finite element study with the integration of muscular forces and friction contact Lecture Notes in Computational Vision and Biomechanics 2019
3D-FEM Modeling of Iso-Concentration Maps in Single Trabecula from Human Femur Head Lecture Notes in Computational Vision and Biomechanics 2019
High-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) for benign thyroid nodules: 2-year follow-up results ENDOCRINE 2019
RANKL inhibition in fibrous dysplasia of bone: a preclinical study in a mouse model of the human disease JOURNAL OF BONE AND MINERAL RESEARCH 2019
Automatic Microstructural Classification with Convolutional Neural Network 2019
Automatic Microstructural Classification with Convolutional Neural Network 2019
Treatment of benign thyroid nodules by high intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) at different acoustic powers: a study on in-silico phantom ENDOCRINE 2018
Identification of specific gait patterns in patients with cerebellar ataxia, spastic paraplegia, and Parkinson's disease. A non-hierarchical cluster analysis HUMAN MOVEMENT SCIENCE 2018
Finite element model set-up of colorectal tissue for analyzing surgical scenarios VIPIMAGE 2017 2018
Dataset on gait patterns in degenerative neurological diseases DATA IN BRIEF 2018
High-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) therapy for benign thyroid nodules without anesthesia or sedation ENDOCRINE 2018
The effect of postmastectomy radiation therapy on breast implants. Material analysis on silicone and polyurethane prosthesis ANNALS OF PLASTIC SURGERY 2018

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