Alessandra Meschini


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Per una rappresentazione “sensibile”. La comunicazione della forma per la percezione aptica Le ragioni del disegno. Pensiero, Forma e Modello nella Gestione della complessità - The reasons of drawing. Thought, Shape and Model in the Complexity Management 2016
Studi sulla rocca di Senigallia: metodi di valutazione del rischio sismico AID Monuments 2015. Materials Techniques Restoration for architectural heritage reusing 2016
Candidatura UNESCO Loreto - Elaborati grafici di rilievo della Basilica e della Santa Casa 2016
Structure from motion systems for architectural heritage. A survey of the internal loggia courtyard of Palazzo dei Capitani, Ascoli Piceno, Italy International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences - ISPRS Archives - WG V/4, CIPA; 3D-Arch 2015 – 3D Virtual Reconstruction and Visualization of Complex Architectures (XL-5/W4)INTERNATIONAL ARCHIVES OF THE PHOTOGRAMMETRY, REMOTE SENSING AND SPATIAL INFORMATION SCIENCES 2015
Digital Photogrammetry and Structure from Motion for Architectural Heritage. Comparison and Integration between Procedures 2015
The experience of the journey. Digital technologies and visual itineraries to enjoyment of the city's cultural heritage Heritage and technology. Mind knowledge experience. Le vie dei mercanti. 13. forum internazionale di studi 2015
Digital Photogrammetry and Structure from Motion for Architectural Heritage. Comparison and Integration between Procedures Handbook of Research on Emerging Digital Tools for Architectural Surveying, Modeling, and Representation 2015
Structure from motion systems for architectural heritage. A survey of the internal loggia courtyard of Palazzo dei Capitani, Ascoli Piceno, Italy International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences - ISPRS Archives - WG V/4, CIPA; 3D-Arch 2015 – 3D Virtual Reconstruction and Visualization of Complex Architectures (XL-5/W4)INTERNATIONAL ARCHIVES OF THE PHOTOGRAMMETRY, REMOTE SENSING AND SPATIAL INFORMATION SCIENCES 2015
The experience of the journey. Digital technologies and visual itineraries to enjoyment of the city's cultural heritage Heritage and technology. Mind knowledge experience. Le vie dei mercanti. 13. forum internazionale di studi 2015
Rappresentare lo sviluppo urbano della città di Ascoli Piceno: proposta per un atlante interattivo - Representing The Urban Development Of The City Of Ascoli Piceno: Proposal For An Interactive Atlas DISEGNO & CITTA' Cultura, Arte, Scienza, Informazione - DRAWING & CITY Culture, Art, Science, Information 2015
Seismic assessment of stratified defensive walls with rubble stone infill L'Ingegneria Sismica in Italia - XVI Convegno ANIDIS 2015
An integrated Survey Experience for Assessing the Seismic Vulnerability of Senigallia’s Fortress (Italy): Documentation for Conservation and FEM Modeling 2015 Digital Heritage International Congress (Proceedings) 2015
Assessment of seismic vulnerability of historical defensive walls ECCOMAS Thematic Conference - COMPDYN 2015, 5th International Conference on Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering - Proceedings Vol. I 2015

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