Francesco Freddolini


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Immagini, conversioni e narrazioni nella Rhetorica Christiana di Diego Valadés BEYOND THE BORDERS PERCORSI E NUOVE PROSPETTIVE DI RICERCA, TRA MEDITERRANEO E ATLANTICO (SECC. XVI-XX) 2024
Hiram Powers e la Cosmopolitan Art Association: produzione e mediazione nel mercato transatlantico delle copie scultoree La fabbrica della copia Firenze e Napoli fra Settecento e Ottocento 2023
Due cherubini inediti di Giovanni Baratta: un frammento ritrovato del perduto altare di Santa Trinita a Firenze PREDELLA 2023
MirrorLAB: narrative patterns between collections of antiquities and urban landscapes 2023 IMEKO International Conference On Metrology For Archaeology And Cultural Heritage 2023
I Ludovisi tra Sei e Settecento: strumenti computazionali e ricostruzioni storiche STORIA DELL'ARTE 2022
Rarità lapidee: estetica e mobilità tra Firenze, Roma e il mondo globale nel primo Seicento Meraviglia senza tempo. Pittura su pietra a Roma tra Cinquecento e Seicento. 2022
Rarities in Stone: Aesthetics and Mobility between Rome, Florence, and the Global World Timeless Wonder: Painting on Stone in Rome in the Cinquecento and Seicento 2022
Storia materiale e prassi della scultura nel linguaggio contrattuale della Toscana del Sei e Settecento Le voci del marmo. Materiali per un lessico tecnico della scultura in marmo. 2022
La civiltà del palazzo: modelli reali e costruzioni immaginarie da Roma all'Europa e al mondo Il palazzo reale e immaginato. Conversazioni, descrizioni, rappresentazioni 2022
Il palazzo esotico raffigurato, descritto e immaginato tra Cinque e Seicento: sguardi europei e costruzioni dell'alterità Il palazzo reale e immaginato. Conversazioni, descrizioni, rappresentazioni 2022
Il palazzo reale e immaginato. Conversazioni, descrizioni, rappresentazioni 2022
Oltre la biografia: Lione Pascoli, Andrea Bolgi e il marmo di Carrara STORIA DELL'ARTE 2022
Entre atelier et chantier. Les machines pour transporter et installer la sculpture en marbre à l’époque moderne Sculptures. Etudes sur la sculpture (XIX-XX Siècle), Vol. 8. Techniques et Matières Industrielles. 2021
(Re)Imagining Asian Rulers in Athanasius Kircher’s China Illustrata. The Agency of Interiors RACAR REVUE D'ART CANADIENNE CANADIAN ART REVIEW 2020
Introduction: Eurasian Tuscany, or the Fifth Element Art, Mobility, and Exchange in Early Modern Tuscany 2020
Eurasian Networks of Pietre Dure. Francesco Paolsanti Indiano and His Early Seventeenth-Century Trade Between Florence and Goa Art, Mobility, and Exchange in Early Modern Tuscany 2020
Art, Mobility, and Exchange in Early Modern Tuscany and Eurasia 2020
Oltre la pittura: gli stucchi cortoneschi nelle Sale dei Pianeti Palazzo Pitti. Le pitture murali delle Sale dei Pianeti. Storia dell'arte, restauro, indagini diagnostiche 2020


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Interessi di ricerca

Francesco Freddolini is associate professor of Early Modern Art History at Sapienza University of Rome since 2020. Trained at the University of Pisa, where he gained his Phd in 2008, Francesco Freddolini has taught Art History at Luther College, University of Regina, Canada, from 2012 to 2020, and from 2019 to 2020 he was Director of the Humanities Research Institute, University of Regina. His research has been supported by international grants and fellowships. Some of the institutions and grants that have supported his research include the Smithsonian American Art Museum (Washington, DC), The Huntington Library (San Marino, CA, USA), the Francis Haskell Memorial Grant, and the Getty Resarch Institute, where as postdoctoral fellow between 2010 and 2012 he collaborated on the research project Display of Art in the Roman Palaces, 1550-1750. More recently, he has been principal investigator for an Insight Development Grant awarded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (2013-2106), entitled Patronage, Images, and Courtiers’ Identity in Florence, c. 1587-1609, and principal investivator for a Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada Insight Grant (2018-2020) entitled Regal Alterities: Imagining Exotic Rulers and Ambassadors in Early Modern Europe.
His research focuses on the history of sculpture during the long seventeenth century, the history of collecting and displaying art, and transcultural artistic exchanges in the early modern global world.
In addition to two volumes devoted respectively to the Baratta family Giovanni Baratta e lo Studio del Baluardo. Scultura, Mercato del Marmo e Ascesa Sociale tra Sei e Settecento, Pisa 2010) and to Giovanni Baratta (Giovanni Baratta, 1670-1747. Scultura e Industria del Marmo tra la Toscana e le Corti d’Europa, Roma 2013), Freddolini has published on Roman palaces Display of Art in the Roman Palace, edited by Gail Feigenbaum with Francesco Freddolini, Los Angeles 2014), on the history of collecting and display in early modern Rome and Florence, and on the textuality of inventories and catalogues Inventories and Catalogues: Material and Narrative Histories, special section of the Journal of Art Historiography 11 (December 2014), edited by Francesco Freddolini and Anne Helmreich). More recently, in addition to further pursuing these lines of research and publication Freddolini has devoted his work to the artistic and material relations between Grand-Ducal Tuscany and the Eurasian context (Art, Mobility, and Exchange in Early Modern Tuscany and Eurasia, edited by Francesco Freddolini and Marco Musillo, New York 2020), and to the concept of alterity within the relation between early modern Europe and the global world (“(Re)Imagining Asian Rulers in Athanasius Kircher’s China Illustrata. The Agency of Interiors,” RACAR-Journal of the Universities Art Association of Canada 45, no. 2 (2020): 64-80).


art history

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