Titolo | Pubblicato in | Anno |
Echocardiographic features and outcome of restrictive foramen ovale in fetuses with and without cardiac malformations: Literature review | JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ULTRASOUND | 2023 |
Hyperechogenic fetal bowel: Current evidence-based prenatal diagnosis and management | JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ULTRASOUND | 2023 |
EP10.11: Pitfalls in growth assessment and prenatal surveillance in fetuses with abdominal wall defects | ULTRASOUND IN OBSTETRICS & GYNECOLOGY | 2023 |
EP01.16: Congenital heart diseases and genetics: a prospective cohort study | ULTRASOUND IN OBSTETRICS & GYNECOLOGY | 2023 |
OC01.09: Prenatal diagnosis of restrictive fetal foramen ovale: a systematic review | ULTRASOUND IN OBSTETRICS & GYNECOLOGY | 2022 |
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