Damiano Cantone


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
The Simulated Body: A Preliminary Investigation into the Relationship Between Neuroscientific Studies, Phenomenology and Virtual Reality FOUNDATIONS OF SCIENCE 2022
Mindfulness meditation leads to increased dispositional mindfulness and interoceptive awareness linked to a reduced dissociative tendency JOURNAL OF TRAUMA & DISSOCIATION 2021
A multilevel approach to explore the wandering mind and its connections with mindfulness and personality BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES 2021
Effects of mindfulness-oriented meditation on healthy individuals’ self-reported dissociative experience, mindfulness skills and interoceptive awareness MEDITERRANEAN JOURNAL OF CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGY 2021
La potenza del falso La cultura del falso 2020
Introduzione Una lettura perversa del film d'autore 2020
‘Movement as Disclosive of Being’ Merleau-Ponty: From the Psychology of Gestalt to the Analysis of Movement GESTALT THEORY 2020
Positive impact of mindfulness meditation on mental health of female teachers during the COVID-19 outbreak in Italy INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH 2020
Origin and evolution of human consciousness Progress in Brain Research 2019
Differences in personality traits in children and adult bilinguals: a pilot study in a bilingual Friulian-Italian context BILINGUALISM 2019
Francis Bacon. Dipingere le forze SCENARI 2019
Bataille e la doppia economia AUT AUT 2018
Haecceitas e soggetto tra Simondon e Deleuze AUT AUT 2018
Suspense! Il cinema della possibilità 2016

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma