Marko Magdi Abdou Sidrak


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Fibroblast Activation Protein Inhibitor (FAPI)-Based Theranostics-Where We Are at and Where We Are Heading: A Systematic Review INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES 2023
Novel Theranostic Approaches Targeting CCR4-Receptor, Current Status and Translational Prospectives: A Systematic Review PHARMACEUTICALS 2023
PET imaging of neuro-inflammation with tracers targeting the translocator protein (TSPO), a systematic review: from bench to bedside DIAGNOSTICS 2023
Radiolabeled dendrimer coated nanoparticles for radionuclide imaging and therapy: a systematic review PHARMACEUTICS 2023
A systematic review on dementia and translocator protein (TSPO): when nuclear medicine highlights an underlying expression BIOMOLECULES 2023
Role of Exendin-4 Functional Imaging in Diagnosis of Insulinoma: A Systematic Review LIFE 2023
Medication and ECG patterns that may hinder SPECT myocardial perfusion scans PHARMACEUTICALS 2023
Imaging of tauopathies with PET ligands: state of the art and future outlook DIAGNOSTICS 2023
First-, Second-, and Third-Generation Radiolabeled Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors in Positron Emission Tomography: State of the Art, a Systematic Review CANCER BIOTHERAPY & RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS 2023
Breast-specific gamma imaging: an added value in the diagnosis of breast cancer, a systematic review CANCERS 2022
The role of 99MTC HMPAO-labeled-leucocyte spect imaging in predicting infectious endocarditis. Clinical and Translational Imaging 2022
Radiotheranostic agents targeting neuroblastoma: state-of-the-art and emerging perspectives CANCERS 2021

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