Nadia Aleotti


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Le necropoli di Çuka e Ajtoit. Vecchie e nuove ricerche a confronto ATLANTE TEMATICO DI TOPOGRAFIA ANTICA 2024
La ripresa degli scavi sull’acropoli di Butrinto. Considerazioni preliminari sullo scavo delle mura arcaiche CRONACHE DI ARCHEOLOGIA 2023
Hellenistic “Corinthian type B” Amphorae from Butrint (Southern Albania): Reconsidering their Typology and their Role in the Regional Hellenistic Economy MANUFACTURERS AND MARKETS The Contributions of Hellenistic Pottery to Economies Large and Small Proceedings of the 4th Conference of IARPotHP, Athens, November 2019, 11th–14th 2022
The Hellenistic Pottery from Mursi, Albania Butrint 7: Beyond Butrint: The Vrina Plain, Kalivo, Mursi and Ҫuka E Aitoit, Albania 2020
Sacred places, territorial economy and cultural identity in northern Epirus (Chaonia) Boundaries Archaeology: Economy, Sacred Places, Cultural Influences in the Ionian and Adriatic Areas Panel 7.3 Archaeology and Economy in the Ancient World – Proceedings of the 19th International Congress of Classical Archaeology, Cologne/Bonn 2018 2020
Rhodian Amphoras from Butrint (Albania): Dating, Contexts and Trade JOURNAL OF HELLENISTIC POTTERY AND MATERIAL CULTURE 2017
Hellenistic Ash Containers from Phoinike (Albania) JOURNAL OF HELLENISTIC POTTERY AND MATERIAL CULTURE 2016
Rapporti fra Phoinike e Butrinto: le produzioni ceramiche ellenistiche PHOINIKE VI, Rapporto preliminare sulle campagne di scavi e ricerche 2011-2014 2015
Un nuovo quartiere di edilizia privata d'età ellenistica Phoinike VI. Rapporto preliminare sulle campagne di scavi e ricerche 2011-2014 2015

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