Clara Nervi


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Are DNA damage response kinases a target for the differentiation treatment of acute myeloid leukemia? IUBMB LIFE 2018
HDAC inhibition by valproic acid decreases JAK2V617F levels in myeloproliferative neoplasms via up-regulation of miR-101, in vivo and in vitro HEMASPHERE 2018
A novel germline CALR mutation affecting an evolutionary conserved region of 3’UTR in JAK2-negative siblings with Polycythemia Vera HEMASPHERE 2018
A novel germline mutation in the 3'Untranslated region of Calreticulin gene induces JAK/STAT signaling activation and Erythrocytosis. HAEMATOLOGICA 2018
A minicircuitry of microRNA-9-1 and RUNX1-RUNX1T1 contributes to leukemogenesis in t(8;21) acute myeloid leukemia INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CANCER 2017
A novel epigenetic AML1-ETO/THAP10/miR-383 mini-circuitry contributes to t(8;21) leukaemogenesis EMBO MOLECULAR MEDICINE 2017
Eicosapentaenoic acid modulates the synergistic action of CREB1 and ID/E2A family members in the rat pup brain and mouse embryonic stem cells BIOCHIMICA ET BIOPHYSICA ACTA. GENE REGULATORY MECHANISMS 2017
PML nuclear bodies disruption impairs DNA double strand breaks sensing and repair in APL CELL DEATH & DISEASE 2016
PML/RARa inhibits PTEN expression in hematopoietic cells by competing with PU.1 transcriptional activity ONCOTARGET 2016
AML1/ETO cooperates with HIF1α to promote leukemogenesis through DNMT3a transactivation LEUKEMIA 2015
Retinoic acid receptors. From molecular mechanisms to cancer therapy MOLECULAR ASPECTS OF MEDICINE 2015
Epigenetic treatment of solid tumours. A review of clinical trials CLINICAL EPIGENETICS 2015

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