Francesco Rosiello


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Willingness-to-pay for COVID-19 vaccine in ten low-middle-income countries in Asia, Africa and South America: A cross-sectional study NARRA J 2022
Burden of COVID-19 on Italian Internal Medicine Wards: Delphi, SWOT, and Performance Analysis after Two Pandemic Waves in the Local Health Authority “Roma 6” Hospital Structures INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH 2021
Persistence of long COVID symptoms in COVID-19 survivors worldwide and its potential pathogenesis. A systematic review and meta-analysis NARRA J 2021
Analisi costo-efficacia del Tapentadolo versus Ossicodone/Naloxone - nelle formulazioni branded e generiche – su pazienti con dolore muscoloscheletrico ITALIAN JOURNAL OF PREVENTION DIAGNOSTIC AND THERAPEUTIC MEDICINE 2021
Cost-effectiveness analysis of Tapentadol versus Oxycodone/Naloxone in both branded and generic formulations in patients with musculoskeletal pain CLINICAL DRUG INVESTIGATION 2021
Green Line Hospital-Territory Study. A Single-Blind Randomized Clinical Trial for Evaluation of Technological Challenges of Continuous Wireless Monitoring in Internal Medicine, Preliminary Results INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH 2021
Device therapy for the major complications detection and early treatment of patients with natural and iatrogenic comorbidities admitted to internal medicine wards EUROPEAN HEART JOURNAL 2021
Beyond the number, balancing epidemiological reporting with the need for patient empathy during the COVID-19 pandemic WORLD MEDICAL JOURNAL 2021
Could the miniaturize techonologies improve patients adherence and assure better quality of life? EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTHEUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH 2021
Global prevalence of persistent neuromuscular symptoms and the possible pathomechanisms in COVID-19 recovered individuals. A systematic review and meta-analysis NARRA J 2021
Vaccine hesitancy among communities in ten countries in Asia, Africa, and South America during the COVID-19 pandemic PATHOGENS AND GLOBAL HEALTH 2021
Awareness and preparedness of healthcare workers against the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic. A cross-sectional survey across 57 countries PLOS ONE 2021
Is COVID 19 introducing a new model of internal medicine ward? EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH 2021
Acceptance of COVID-19 vaccination at different hypothetical efficacy and safety levels in ten countries in Asia, Africa, and South America NARRA J 2021
Italy after 30 years of denuclearization: what are the effects on the health? A review of the literature Countering radiological and nuclear threats. Proceedings of the 4th International CBRNe Workshop, "IW CBRNe 2018" 2020
working dogs in a contaminatd environment, problems and possible work solutions in safety at work COUNTERING RADIOLOGICAL AND NUCLEAR THREATS PROCEEDINGS OF THE 4TH INTERNATIONAL CBRNE WORKSHOP, “IW CBRNE 2018 2020
Economic evaluation of treatments for migraine. An assessment of the generalizability following a systematic review PHARMACOECONOMICS 2020
ROMAN HOSPITAL MANAGEMENT OF A POTENTIAL CBRNE EVENT 2nd Scientific International Conference on CBRNe. SICC Series Conference- Book of abstract 2020
DECONTAMINATION OF AMBULANCE AND EQUIPMENT, A PROBLEM FOR WORKER SAFETY AND NATIONAL SECURITY 2nd Scientific International Conference on CBRNe. SICC Series Conference- Book of abstract 2020


  • LS6_9
  • LS7_9


  • Life-science technologies & biotechnologies

Interessi di ricerca

cbrne, disaster medicine, antimicrobial resistance, gender medicine


advanced medicine
antimicrobial resistance

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma