Flavio Rosa


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
The Environmental and Energy Renovation of a District as a Step towards the Smart Community: A Case Study of Tehran BUILDINGS 2023
Towards the Renovation of Energy-Intensive Building: The Impact of Lighting and Free-Cooling Retrofitting Strategies in a Shopping Mall BUILDINGS 2023
Transforming a historic public office building in the centre of Rome into nZEB. Limits and potentials ENERGIES 2022
Opportunities and challenges of energy performance contracting in the Italian market for energy efficiency services IOP CONFERENCE SERIES. EARTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE 2022
Urban Renewable Energy Communities and Energy Poverty: a proactive approach to energy transition with Sun4All project IOP CONFERENCE SERIES. EARTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE 2022
Digital Twin solutions to historical building stock maintenance cycles IOP CONFERENCE SERIES. EARTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE 2022
Building-Integrated Photovoltaics (BIPV) in Historical Buildings. Opportunities and Constraints ENERGIES 2020
+Bit -Watt: l'efficienza della conoscenza 2019
Hybrid systems adoption for lowering historic buildings PFEC (primary fossil energy consumption) - A comparative energy analysis RENEWABLE ENERGY 2018
Nearshore wave energy converters comparison and Mediterranean small island grid integration SUSTAINABLE ENERGY TECHNOLOGIES AND ASSESSMENTS 2018
Diagnosi energetica di un edificio vincolato rappresentativo uso uffici della PA sottoposto a riqualificazione energetica nZEB, zona climatica D, Centro Italia, e analisi economica degli interventi proposti 2017
Estimating the potential biomasses energy source of forest and agricultural residues in the cinque terre italian national park ENERGY PROCEDIA 2015

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