Cristiano Ciurluini


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
STEAM experimental facility. A step forward for the development of the EU DEMO BoP Water Coolant Technology ENERGIES 2023
The design of water loop facility for supporting the WCLL breeding blanket technology and safety ENERGIES 2023
PbLi/Water Reaction: Experimental Campaign and Modeling Advancements in WPBB EUROfusion Project ENERGIES 2023
Preliminary MHD pressure drop analysis for the prototypical WCLL TBM with RELAP5/MOD3.3 FUSION ENGINEERING AND DESIGN 2022
Tokamak cooling systems and power conversion system options FUSION ENGINEERING AND DESIGN 2022
Maturation of critical technologies for the DEMO balance of plant systems FUSION ENGINEERING AND DESIGN 2022
Analysis of EU-DEMO WCLL Power Conversion System in Two Relevant Balance of Plant Configurations: Direct Coupling with Auxiliary Boiler and Indirect Coupling SUSTAINABILITY 2022
Evaluation of the thermal-hydraulic performances of a once-through steam generator in nuclear fusion applications JOURNAL OF PHYSICS. CONFERENCE SERIES 2022
Transient analysis of a locked rotor/shaft seizure accident involving the EU-DEMO WCLL Breeding Blanket primary cooling circuits FUSION ENGINEERING AND DESIGN 2022
STEAM: a novel experimental infrastructure for the development of the DEMO BOP water coolant technology 19th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics (NURETH 19) 2022
Analysis of the thermal-hydraulic behavior of the EU-DEMO WCLL breeding blanket cooling systems during a loss of flow accident FUSION ENGINEERING AND DESIGN 2021
Conceptual design of the main Ancillary Systems of the ITER Water Cooled Lithium Lead Test Blanket System FUSION ENGINEERING AND DESIGN 2021
Conceptual design overview of the ITER WCLL Water Cooling System and supporting thermal-hydraulic analysis FUSION ENGINEERING AND DESIGN 2021
Study of the EU-DEMO WCLL breeding blanket primary cooling circuits thermal-hydraulic performances during transients belonging to LOFA category ENERGIES 2021
Thermal-hydraulic transient analysis of the FFTF LOFWOS Test #13 NUCLEAR ENGINEERING AND DESIGN 2021
Thermal-hydraulic modeling and analysis of the Water Cooling System for the ITER Test Blanket Module FUSION ENGINEERING AND DESIGN 2020
Preliminary neutron kinetic. Thermal hydraulic coupled analysis of the ALFRED reactor using PHISICS/RELAP5-3D JOURNAL OF PHYSICS. CONFERENCE SERIES 2020
Thermal-hydraulic modeling and analyses of the water-cooled EU DEMO using RELAP5 system code FUSION ENGINEERING AND DESIGN 2019


  • PE8_6


  • Big data & computing

Interessi di ricerca

Thermal-hydraulic analysis of fission and fusion reactors. Studies are both design-oriented and aimed at investing the system performances during operational and accidental conditions.


nuclear accidents
fusion reactor blanket
Fission energy
Thermal-hydraulic transient analysis
Numerical Analysis

Gruppi di ricerca

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma