Mario Prayer


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
La fortuna del capolavoro collodiano in Asia meridionale Atlante Pinocchio 2024
The Indian State and Its Foreign Relations India’s Foreign Policy and Economic Challenges. Friends, Enemies and Controversies 2023
Emissaries of Swadeshi. Bengali Internationalists in Inter-war Italy Bengal and Italy Transcultural Encounters from the Mid-19th to the Early 21st Century 2023
Introduction Bengal and Italy Transcultural Encounters from the Mid-19th to the Early 21st Century 2023
Bengal and Italy Transcultural Encounters from the Mid-19th to the Early 21st Century 2023
The Continuing Cultural Exchanges Between Italy and Bengal Bengal and Italy Transcultural Encounters from the Mid-19th to the Early 21st Century 2023
Percorsi in Civiltà dell’Asia e dell’Africa III. Quaderni di studi dottorali alla Sapienza 2023
Introduzione Percorsi in Civiltà dell’Asia e dell’Africa III. Quaderni di studi dottorali alla Sapienza 2023
Epilogue. Gandhi’s Legacy and the Historical Gaze Gandhi After Gandhi. The Relevance of the Mahatma’s Legacy in Today’s World 2021
Crossing the boundaries: Anti-colonialism, Pan-Asianism, and Hindu National History in the ‘Greater India’ Movement, 1926-1945 RIVISTA DEGLI STUDI ORIENTALI 2021
Panchayati Raj and the decentralisation of rural development in independent India Voices of Freedom. Society, Culture and Ideas in the 70th Year of India’s Independence 2020
Il Mahatma Gandhi nella recente pubblicistica italiana Gandhi nel 150° anniversario della nascita 2020
Prefazione Il Risorgimento dell’Asia. India e Pakistan nella politica estera dell’Italia repubblicana (1946-1980) 2020
The Reconstruction of unity: Meanings of rural development in late colonial India RIVISTA DEGLI STUDI ORIENTALI 2019
Italian indologists and modern India, 1913-1941 In Quest of the Historian's Craft: Essays in Honour of Professor B.B. Chaudhuri 2018
Gandhi and the Popes: From Pius XI to Francis. By Peter Gonsalves. [Studies in the Intercultural History of Christianity, Vol. 160.] (Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang Edition. 2016. Pp. xv, 244. $72.95. ISBN 978-3-631-65789-8.) CATHOLIC HISTORICAL REVIEW 2017
Amitav Ghosh, Diluvio di fuoco IL MESTIERE DI STORICO 2016
Freedom in the river: Bengali bhadralok consciousness in Manik Bandopadhyay’s Padmanadir majhi RIVISTA DEGLI STUDI ORIENTALI 2015
Lata Singh and Biswamoy Pati, eds., Colonial and Contemporary Bihar and Jharkhand (Delhi: Primus Books, 2014), 256 pp., ISBN: 978-93-80607-92-4 ANGLISTICA AION AN INTERDISCIPLINARY JOURNAL 2015


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Interessi di ricerca

Storia moderna e contemporanea dell'Asia Meridionale; il Novecento in Bengala; l'internazionalismo bengalese; le relazioni culturali e politiche India-Italia; la letteratura bengali come fonte storica.


South Asia
British colonialism
Mahatma Gandhi

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