Marco Marchetti


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Unsupervised algorithms to detect single trees in a mixed-species and multilayered Mediterranean forest using LiDAR data CANADIAN JOURNAL OF FOREST RESEARCH 2021
Could cattle ranching and soybean cultivation be sustainable? A systematic review and a meta-analysis for the amazon IFOREST 2021
What Is Known About the Management of European Beech Forests Facing Climate Change? A Review CURRENT FORESTRY REPORTS 2021
Machine learning algorithms to predict tree-related microhabitats using airborne laser scanning REMOTE SENSING 2020
Diversity of saproxylic beetle communities in chestnut agroforestry systems IFOREST 2020
Near-real time forest change detection using PlanetScope imagery EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF REMOTE SENSING 2020
Interannual radial growth sensitivity to climatic variations and extreme events in mixed-species and pure forest stands of silver fir and European beech in the Italian Peninsula EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF FOREST RESEARCH 2020
Beyond sustainability in food systems: Perspectives from agroecology and social innovation SUSTAINABILITY 2020
Dendrochemistry: Ecosystem Services Perspectives for Urban Biomonitoring FRONTIERS IN ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE 2020
Landscape preference for trees outside forests along an urban–rural–natural gradient FORESTS 2020
Harmonized dataset of surface fuels under Alpine, temperate and Mediterranean conditions in Italy. A synthesis supporting fire management IFOREST 2020
A new method for automated clearcut disturbance detection in mediterranean coppice forests using landsat time series REMOTE SENSING 2020
Climate–growth relationships at the transition between Fagus sylvatica and Pinus mugo forest communities in a Mediterranean mountain ANNALS OF FOREST SCIENCE 2020
Soil rooting depth of Italy JOURNAL OF MAPS 2020
Monitoring spring phenology in Mediterranean beech populations through in situ observation and Synthetic Aperture Radar methods REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT 2020
Diversity patterns of Coleoptera and saproxylic communities in unmanaged forests of Mediterranean mountains ECOLOGICAL INDICATORS 2020
ALS data for detecting habitat trees in a multi-layered mediterranean forest Earth observation advancements in a changing world 2019
Nuova metodologia di monitoraggio della fenologia fogliare in Fagus sylvatica tramite sistemi radar ad apertura sintetica (SAR) XII Congresso Nazionale SISEF “La scienza utile per le foreste: ricerca e trasferimento” 2019
Stima dell’erosione del suolo in un sentiero di montagna a seguito di un incendio attraverso l’uso di un drone commerciale XII Congresso Nazionale SISEF “La scienza utile per le foreste: ricerca e trasferimento” 2019
Stato di avanzamento delle misure forestali nell’ambito di PSR regionali 2014-2020: obiettivi e risultati XII Congresso Nazionale SISEF “La scienza utile per le foreste: ricerca e trasferimento” 2019

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