Marco Marchetti


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Il paesaggio italiano tra urbanizzazione e ricolonizzazione forestale AGRIREGIONIEUROPA 2018
Xylogenesis of compression and opposite wood in mountain pine at a Mediterranean treeline ANNALS OF FOREST SCIENCE 2018
Silviculture and wind damages. The storm “Vaia” FOREST@ 2018
Assessing the role of megafauna in tropical forest ecosystems and biogeochemical cycles - the potential of vegetation models ECOGRAPHY 2018
Inference on forest attributes and ecological diversity of trees outside forest by a two-phase inventory ANNALS OF FOREST SCIENCE 2018
Early responses of biodiversity indicators to various thinning treatments in mountain beech forests IFOREST 2018
Evaluating the contribution of trees outside forests and small open areas to the Italian landscape diversification during the last decades FORESTS 2018
Long-Term Changes in the Composition, Ecology, and Structure of Pinus mugo Scrubs in the Apennines (Italy) DIVERSITY 2018
Linking deadwood traits with saproxylic invertebrates and fungi in European forests - a review IFOREST 2018
Landscape, bioeconomy and wildfire management: a challenge to face very soon FOREST@ 2018
Oak tree-rings record spatial-temporal pollution trends from different sources in Terni (Central Italy) ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION 2018
Growth dynamics, climate sensitivity and water use efficiency in pure vs. mixed pine and beech stands in Trentino (Italy) FOREST ECOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT 2018
Expert-based and correlative models to map habitat quality: Which gives better support to conservation planning? GLOBAL ECOLOGY AND CONSERVATION 2018
Effect of imperfect detection on the estimation of niche overlap between two forest dormice IFOREST 2018
Forests and forest-wood system in Italy: towards a new strategy to address local and global challenges FOREST@ 2018
Forest certification map of Europe IFOREST 2018
Field-Map: riscontri pratici sull’utilizzo in campagne di rilievo L’esperienza dell’Università del Molise nell’ambito di progetti di ricerca e progetti LIFE SHERWOOD. FORESTE ED ALBERI OGGI 2018
OpenMICE: an open spatial and temporal dataset of small mammals in South-Central Italy based on owl pellet data ECOLOGY 2018
Quantifying decay progression of deadwood in Mediterranean mountain forests FOREST ECOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT 2018
Behind forest cover changes: is natural regrowth supporting landscape restoration? Findings from Central Italy PLANT BIOSYSTEMS 2018

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