Flavia Lanzara


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Accurate computation of multi-dimensional Riesz potentials LECTURE NOTES OF TICMI 2024
Approximation of Uncoupled Quasi-Static Thermoelasticity Solutions Based on Gaussians JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL FLUID MECHANICS 2023
Approximation of solutions to equations in static thermoelasticity JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES 2022
Some remarks on segregation of k species in strongly competing systems INTERFACES AND FREE BOUNDARIES 2021
Fast computation of the multidimensional fractional Laplacian APPLICABLE ANALYSIS 2021
Approximate approximations: recent developments in the computation of high dimensional potentials ST. PETERSBURG MATHEMATICAL JOURNAL 2020
Approximation of solutions to nonstationary Stokes system JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES 2020
Fast computation of elastic and hydrodynamic potentials using approximate approximations ANALYSIS AND MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS 2020
Geometry of the limiting solution of a strongly competing system LECTURE NOTES OF TICMI 2020
A fast solution method for time dependent multidimensional Schrödinger equations APPLICABLE ANALYSIS 2019
Cubature of multidimensional Schrödinger potential based on approximate approximations Analysis, Probability, Applications, and Computation 2019
On the limit configuration of four species strongly competing systems NODEA-NONLINEAR DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS AND APPLICATIONS 2019
Differentiability properties of the symbol of a generalized Riesz potential with homogeneous characteristic JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES 2019
Fast cubature of high dimensional biharmonic potential based on approximate approximations ANNALI DELL'UNIVERSITÀ DI FERRARA. SEZIONE 7: SCIENZE MATEMATICHE 2019
On eigenfunctions of the Fourier transform JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES 2018
Accurate computation of the high dimensional diffraction potential over hyper-rectangles BULLETIN OF TICMI 2018
Note on a non standard eigenfunction of the planar Fourier transform JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES 2017
Esercizi svolti di Analisi Vettoriale e complementi di teoria Esercizi svolti di Analisi Vettoriale e complementi di teoria 2017
Approximation of solutions to multidimensional parabolic equations by approximate approximations APPLIED AND COMPUTATIONAL HARMONIC ANALYSIS 2016
On the computation of high-dimensional potentials of advection-diffusion operators MATHEMATIKA 2015


  • PE1_8


Boundary value problems for elliptic systems
Fourier transforms
multi-dimensional numerical simulation
High order approximations

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma