Titolo | Pubblicato in | Anno |
Coupling radio propagation and weather forecast models to maximize Ka-band channel transmission rate for interplanetary missions | 2015 USNC-URSI Radio Science Meeting (Joint with AP-S Symposium), USNC-URSI 2015 - Proceedings | 2015 |
Quantum tests of the einstein equivalence principle with the STE-QUEST space mission | ADVANCES IN SPACE RESEARCH | 2015 |
Testing general relativity during the cruise phase of the BepiColombo mission to Mercury | 2nd IEEE International Workshop on Metrology for Aerospace, MetroAeroSpace 2015 - Proceedings | 2015 |
Radio science investigations with the juno mission | Proceedings of the International Astronautical Congress, IAC. Space – The Gateway for Mankind's Future | 2015 |
Mesoscale high-resolution meteorological and radiative transfer models for satellite downlink budget design at millimeter-wave frequencies | 1st ESA W-Band SATCOM Workshop | 2015 |
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