Maria Leggio


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Topography of the cerebellum in relationship to social brain regions and emotions The Cerebellum. From Embryology to Diagnostic Investigations 2018
The cerebellar topography of attention sub-components in spinocerebellar ataxia type 2 CORTEX 2018
Evidence of cerebellar involvement in the onset of a manic state FRONTIERS IN NEUROLOGY 2018
Resting-State functional connectivity changes between dentate nucleus and cortical social brain regions in autism spectrum disorders CEREBELLUM 2017
Consensus paper. Cerebellum and emotion CEREBELLUM 2017
Interhemispheric Connectivity Characterizes Cortical Reorganization in Motor-Related Networks After Cerebellar Lesions CEREBELLUM 2017
Does the cerebellum contribute to human navigation by processing sequential information? NEUROPSYCHOLOGY 2017
Neural substrates of motor and cognitive dysfunctions in SCA2 patients. A network based statistics analysis NEUROIMAGE. CLINICAL 2017
The role of the cerebellum in unconsciuos and conscious processing of emotions: a review APPLIED SCIENCES 2017
Atrophic degeneration of cerebellum impairs both the reactive and the proactive control of movement in the stop signal paradigm EXPERIMENTAL BRAIN RESEARCH 2017
Bilateral effects of unilateral cerebellar lesions as detected by voxel based morphometry and diffusion imaging PLOS ONE 2017
Microstructural MRI basis of the cognitive functions in patients with Spinocerebellar ataxia type 2 NEUROSCIENCE 2017
Cerebellum and verbal fluency (phonological and semantic) The Linguistic Cerebellum 2016
Clinical functional topography in cognition Essentials of cerebellum and cerebellar disorders 2016
Impact of cerebellar atrophy on cortical grey matter and cerebellar peduncles as assessed by voxel based morphometry and high angular resolution diffusion imaging FUNCTIONAL NEUROLOGY 2016
Cerebellar sequencing. A trick for predicting the future CEREBELLUM 2015
Consensus paper. The role of the cerebellum in perceptual processes CEREBELLUM 2015
Inability to process negative emotions in cerebellar damage. A functional transcranial doppler sonographic study CEREBELLUM 2015
Cerebellum: cognitive functions International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences 2015
Cerebellar damage impairs the self-rating of regret feeling in a gambling task FRONTIERS IN BEHAVIORAL NEUROSCIENCE 2015


  • LS5
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  • SH4
  • SH4_4


  • Life-science technologies & biotechnologies

Interessi di ricerca

cervelletto e funzioni cognitive;  cervelletto e cognizione sociale; cervelletto e comportamento emozionale;  elaborazione sequenziale; comportamento predittivo; patologie cerebellari; cervelletto e tecniche di stimolazione; cervelletto e neuroimmagini; cervelletto e disturbi dello spettro autistico; cervelletto e disturbi psichiatrici


cognitive neuroscience
behavioral neuroscience

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma