Mariacristina Sciannamblo


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Tipaldo, G., Ceravolo, F., Moiso, V., Pitrelli, N., Sciannamblo, M., Tallacchini, M. (a cura di) 2023. Guerre di confine. Autorità epistemiche e società in transizione. Meltemi Editore. 2023
Sciannamblo, M. 2023. “Appartenenze multiple, lavoro invisibile e allergia alle cipolle: il potere del punto zero per osservare e trasformare la tecnoscienza”. In Tipaldo, G., Ceravolo, F., Moiso, V., Pitrelli, N., Sciannamblo, M., Tallacchini, M. (a cura di) 2023. Guerre di confine. Autorità epistemiche e società in transizione. Meltemi Editore. Guerre di confine. Autorità epistemiche e società in transizione. 2023
In Between Matters of Concern and Matters of Care. Rethinking the Third Mission of Higher Education SCUOLA DEMOCRATICA 2022
What if Siri and Alexa Unionize? Disentangling Digital Feminist Technoscience, between Gender Bias and Self-determination TECNOSCIENZA 2021
Fare la differenza. Stereotipi di genere e nuove pratiche di affermazione nei campi scientifici 2021
Costruire «un immaginario di forza e di possibilità». Intervista con le attiviste del gruppo comunicazione di Lucha y Siesta. MEDIASCAPES JOURNAL 2021
Caring and Commoning as Cooperative Work: A Case Study in Europe Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer InteractionVolume 5Issue CSCW1April 2021 2021
Tales of institutioning and commoning. Participatory design processes with a strategic and tactical perspective PDC '20. Proceedings of the 16th participatory design conference 2020 - Participation(s) Otherwise - June 2020 2020
Co-designing convivial tools to support participation in community radio Radio Journal: International Studies in Broadcast & Audio Media 2020
In other words. Writing research as ethico-onto-epistemic practice TECNOSCIENZA 2019
Co-designing for common values: creating hybrid spaces to nurture autonomous cooperation CODESIGN 2019
Co-designing collaborative care work through ethnography Ethnographies of collaborative economies conference proceedings 2019
Communication in infrastructuring, or tales from a collaborative project OzCHI '18. Proceedings of the 30th australian conference on computer-human interaction 2018
Institutioning the common. The case of Commonfare PDC '18. Proceedings of the 15th participatory design conference 2018
Fostering commonfare. Entanglements between participatory design and feminism Proceedings of DRS Design Research Society Conference: Full Papers-Volume 2 2018
Fostering commonfare. Infrastructuring autonomous social collaboration CHI '18. Proceedings of the 2018 CHI conference on human factors in computing systems 2018
Unfolding female quiet in wargames. Gender bias in Metal Gear Solid V. The Phantom Pain from representation to gameplay FEMINIST MEDIA STUDIES 2018
Trajectories of Women in Mathematics and Computer Science: Mobility, Positioning and Hybridization POLIS 2017
Fostering commonfare. Strategies and tactics in a collaborative project OZCHI '17. Proceedings of the 29th australian conference on computer-human interaction 2017
La rivincita delle nerd. Storie di donne, computer e sfida agli stereotipi 2017

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