Viviana Langher


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Intervention strategies for children and adolescent with disorders: from intrapsychic to transactional perspective Innovative practice and interventions for children and adolescents with psychosocial difficulties and disabilities 2015
Cultural Models of Special Education in Macedonia: Towards a Systemic and Integrative Perspective Special Education: Developments, Teaching Strategies and Parental Involvement 2015
Psicologia della salute e riqualificazione urbana: una proposta metodologica per la ricerca-intervento 2015
Working with parents to support their disabled children’s social and school inclusion. An exploratory counseling study JOURNAL OF INFANT, CHILD, AND ADOLESCENT PSYCHOTHERAPY 2015
Inclusion in the time of cholera Sozialarbeit des Südens, Bd. 5 - Zugang zum Gesundheitswesen und Gesundheitspolitik - Access to Health Care Services and Health Policy 2015
The role of psychology in urban requalification: an action-research project International Conference on Theory and Practice in Psychology 30 October - 1 November 2014, Faculty of Philosophy – Skopje 2015

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