Viviana Langher


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Suicide-Related Outcomes Among Adults in Custody: An Umbrella Review of Systematic Literature Reviews CRIMINAL JUSTICE AND BEHAVIOR 2024
Suicide-Related Outcomes Among Adults in Custody: An Umbrella Review of Systematic Literature Reviews CRIMINAL JUSTICE AND BEHAVIOR 2024
Adapting Minds: Exploring Cognition to Threatened Stimuli in the Post-COVID-19 Landscape Comparing Old and New Concerns about Pandemic BRAIN SCIENCES 2024
Inhibition and Heart Rate Variability in Experimentally Induced Pain JOURNAL OF PAIN RESEARCH 2023
A Portrait of Gambling Behaviors and Associated Cognitive Beliefs Among Young Adolescents in Italy INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MENTAL HEALTH AND ADDICTION 2023
The cognitive consequences of the covid-19 pandemic on members of the general population in italy: a preliminary study on executive inhibition JOURNAL OF CLINICAL MEDICINE 2022
Understanding care relationships in diabetes practice: A psychodynamic interview-based exploratory study PLOS ONE 2022
The Perception of Water Contamination and Risky Consumption in El Salvador from a Community Clinical Psychology Perspective INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH 2022
Water conservation and environmental sustainability from a community clinical psychological perspective SUSTAINABILITY 2022
Understanding care relationships in diabetes practice. A psychodynamic interview-based exploratory study PLOS ONE 2022
The broken heart: the role of life events in takotsubo syndrome JOURNAL OF CLINICAL MEDICINE 2021
Unconscious loss processing in diabetes: associations with medication adherence and quality of care PSYCHOANALYTIC PSYCHOTHERAPY 2021
Teachers’ Implicit Attitudes Toward Ethnic Minority Students: A Systematic Review FRONTIERS IN PSYCHOLOGY 2021
Cross-cultural validation and psychometric testing of the counseling center assessment of psychological symptoms: Experience of Serbia HEALTH PROMOTION INTERNATIONAL 2021
Why do italian psychology graduates dream of becoming psychotherapists? A study on decision-making in undertaking psychotherapy training | ¿Por qué los licenciados en psicología italianos sueñan con convertirse en psicoterapeutas? Un estudio sobre la toma de decisiones para emprender la formación psicoterapéutica INTERDISCIPLINARIA 2021
Giving a voice to gambling addiction: analysis of personal narratives CULTURE MEDICINE AND PSYCHIATRY 2020
Reconsidering the Process of Informed Consent in Assisted Reproductive Technology: Experiences and Implications for Practice PSYCHOLOGICAL STUDIES 2020
The night effect of anger: relationship with nocturnal blood pressure dipping INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH 2020
The effectiveness of psychodynamic career counselling: a randomised control trial on the PICS programme PSYCHODYNAMIC PRACTICE 2020
Development and validation of the Dynamic Career Scale (DCS): a psychodynamic conceptualization of career adjustment INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR EDUCATIONAL AND VOCATIONAL GUIDANCE 2020

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma