Agostino Giorgio Francesco Soldati


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Il culto cristiano di Antinoo (?) in un’epigrafe funeraria antinoita Τέχνῃ καὶ σπουδῇ. In ricordo di Diletta Minutoli 2024
A Copyist and Restorer in Seventeenth-Century Coptic Egypt. Solomon of Rhinokolura (Arish) THE VATICAN LIBRARY REVIEW 2024
Intorno al nomen sacrum copto ϭⲥ Segni, sogni, materie e scritture dall'Egitto tardoantico all'Europa carolingia 2023
King John of Syria. The Late Antique Model of Prester John? STUDI E MATERIALI DI STORIA DELLE RELIGIONI 2023
Ἰωνικῇ ἐπενθέσει τοῦ ε. Alterne fortune di un iperionismo. BOLLETTINO DEI CLASSICI 2023
rec. di Jean Gascou, Églises et chapelles d’Alexandrie byzantine. Recherches de topographie cultuelle. StudPAP 1. Paris 2020. 156 pages. ISBN 978–2–916716–69–5. JOURNAL OF COPTIC STUDIES 2023
«Le manuscrit convoité par Peiresc». Le peregrinazioni del Salterio pentaglotto vaticano (Vat. Barb. or. 2) tra lo Wādı̄ ’n-Naṭrūn e la Roma barberiniana, passando per Tripoli di Barberia e Malta MÉLANGES DE L'ÉCOLE FRANÇAISE DE ROME. ITALIE ET MÉDITERRANÉE 2022
The Structure and the Formulary of the Coptic Colophons, With a New Colophon from Dayr al-Abū Maqār COMPARATIVE ORIENTAL MANUSCRIPT STUDIES BULLETIN 2022
La lingua copta 2021
Frammento di un codice della collezione Martin Schøyen (MS 2651/1): Sus. θʹ 18-29 ZEITSCHRIFT FÜR PAPYROLOGIE UND EPIGRAPHIK 2021
Inventario bilingue dei beni di un monastero (PL III/1005) ANALECTA PAPYROLOGICA 2021
rec. di L. Berkes (ed.),Vom byzantinischen zum arabischen Ägypten: Neue dokumentarische Papyri aus dem 5. bis 8. Jh. (P.Heid. XI), Heidelberg: Heidelberg University Publishing, 2021 (Studien und Texte aus der Heidelberger Papyrussammlung, Band 2). ANALECTA PAPYROLOGICA 2021
Frammento di tractoria o documento ad essa pertinente (PL III/1004) ANALECTA PAPYROLOGICA 2021
A new bifolium from the Monastery of Anbā Hadrà (Ms. Roma, Biblioteca Corsiniana, 280.C1) as historical source for the coptic episcopal see of Aswān Coptic Literature in Context (4th-13th cent.): Cultural Landscape, Literary Production, and Manuscript Archaeology Proceedings of the Third Conference of the ERC Project “Tracking Papyrus and Parchment Paths: An Archaeological Atlas of Coptic Literature. Literary Texts in their Geographical Context (‘PAThs’)”. 2020
Un documento greco d'età islamica del Museo Egizio di Torino E me l'ovrare appaga. Papiri e saggi in onore di Gabriella Messeri (P. Messeri) 2020
Coptic ⲃⲱ(ⲱ)ϩ, ⲃⲟϩ - Greek ΦΑΛΗΣ RIVISTA DEGLI STUDI ORIENTALI 2020
Frammenti di due codici in miniatura greco-copti AEGYPTUS 2020
rec. di Matthias Müller and Sami Uljas (Eds.). Martyrs and Archangels. Coptic Literary Texts from the Pierpont Morgan Library. Studien und Texte zu Antike und Christentum / Studies and Texts in Antiquity and Christianity 116. [Tübingen] 2019. XVI + 481 p. ISBN 978-3-16-156994-4 JOURNAL OF COPTIC STUDIES 2020
The first homily preserved by the manuscript: In illud: hominis cuiusdam diuitis uberes fructus ager (LC. 12.16) Detecting early medieval coptic literature in dayr Al-Anba Maqar, between textual conservation and literary rearrangement: The case of Vat. Copt. 57. 2019
The colophon and some marginalia. Detecting early medieval coptic literature in dayr Al-Anba Maqar, between textual conservation and literary rearrangement: The case of Vat. Copt. 57. 2019

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