Pasquale Eduardo Lapenna


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Large scale effects in weakly turbulent premixed flames PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMBUSTION INSTITUTE 2018
Simulation of a single-element GCH4/GOx rocket combustor using a non-adiabatic flamelet method 2018
Consistent flamelet-based turbulent combustion modeling for liquid rocket engines Joint meeting german and italian sections of the combustion institute. Proceedings 2018
Systematic strategies for thermochemical model reduction in rocket propulsion applications 2018 Joint Propulsion Conference 2018
Mixing under transcritical conditions: an a-priori study using direct numerical simulation THE JOURNAL OF SUPERCRITICAL FLUIDS 2017
CSP-based chemical kinetics mechanisms simplification strategy for non-premixed combustion: An application to hybrid rocket propulsion COMBUSTION AND FLAME 2017
Unsteady non-premixed methane/oxygen flame structures at supercritical pressures COMBUSTION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 2017
Interplay of Darrieus-Landau instability and weak turbulence in premixed flame propagation PHYSICAL REVIEW. E 2016
Darrieus-Landau induced regime of propagation of turbulent premixed flames in Bunsen configurations XXXIX Meeting of the Italian Section of the Combustion Institute - Proceedings 2016
The effect of fuel composition on the non-premixed flame structure of LNG/LOx mixtures at supercritical pressure 54th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting 2016
Numerical investigation of unsteady laminar methane/LOx flamelet at supercritical pressures Proceedings of the European Combustion Meeting – 2015 2015
Towards an Unsteady/Flamelet Progress Variable method for non-premixed turbulent combustion at supercritical pressures 38th Combustion Meeting Proceedings – Abstract Book 2015

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