Titolo |
Pubblicato in |
Anno |
Far Away Drums. Some Notes on Affinities and Divergences Between Contemporary Examples of Shamanism in Nepal and Mongolia |
Traditions, Translations and Transitions in the Cultural History of Tibet, the Himalayas and Mongolia |
2024 |
Materializing the Invisible: Some Preliminary Notes on the Study of Shamanic Artefacts |
2024 |
Secret and Sacred. The Theme of Hidden Valleys in the Himalayas and Surrounding Areas |
2023 |
Introduzione |
Sciamanesimo e persona: una svolta ontologica? |
2023 |
Sciamanesimo e persona: una svolta ontologica? Omaggio a Enrico Comba |
2023 |
“Introduzione”, in S. Botta, D. Riboli e D. Torri (eds.), Sciamanesimo e persona: una svolta ontologica? (Sapienza Sciamanica/6), Nuova Cultura, Roma 2023 |
Sciamanesimo e persona: una svolta ontologica? |
2023 |
Leaving Footprints in the Taiga. Luck, Spirits and Ambivalence among the Siberian Orochen Reindeer Herders and Hunters, written by Donatas Brandišauskas |
2022 |
Corpi a margine. Alcune note su possessione e sciamanismo femminile in Asia tra questione di genere, stati e religioni. |
Religioni e parità di genere. Percorsi accidentati |
2022 |
Soma and Drug History in Ancient Asia |
The Oxford Hanbook of Global Drug History |
2022 |
Dealing with Disasters
Perspectives from Eco-Cosmologies |
2021 |
Sacred, Alive, Dangerous, and Endangered: Humans, Non-humans, and Landscape in the Himalayas |
Dealing with Disasters Perspectives from Eco-Cosmologies |
2021 |
Trees, Birds and Other Non-Humans. Mythological Entanglements with Landscape, Flora, Fauna and Spirits of the Himalayas |
2021 |
No Place for Trespassers. Notes toward a Himalayan Anthropology of Fright |
South Asian Gothic. Haunted Cultures, Histories and Media |
2021 |
Landscape, Ritual and Identity among the Hyolmo of Nepal |
2020 |
The Shamaness in Asia
Gender, Religion and the State |
2020 |
The Coral Tree at the End of the World. Introductory Notes to Coralline
Mythology and Folklore from the Indian and Pacific Oceans |
Perspectives on the Marine Animal Forests of the World |
2020 |
Religious Identities and the Struggle for Secularism: The Revival of Buddhism and Religions of Marginalized Groups in Nepal. |
2019 |
From Geographical Periphery to Conceptual Centre: The Travels of Ngagchang Shakya Zangpo and the Discovery of Hyolmo Identity |
Buddhism and the Dynamics of Transculturality: New Approaches |
2019 |
Of Shadows and Fears: Nepalese Ghost Stories from Classical Texts and Folklore to the Social Media |
Articulate Necrographies Comparative Perspectives on the Voices and Silences of the Dead |
2019 |
Il revival etnico-religioso delle minoranze del Nepal contemporaneo |
Wind horses. Tibetan, himalayan and mongolian studies |
2019 |