Marichela Sepe


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Urban and socio-economic renewal in Budapest URBANISTICA INFORMAZIONI 2015
Culture, social housing and smart planning: three important topics for Vienna/ Cultura, housing sociale, smart planning: tre temi alla prova, a Vienna, in Sepe M. (a cura di) Culture, social housing and smart planning: three important topics for Vienna/ Cultura, housing sociale, smart planning: tre temi alla prova, a Vienna URBANISTICA 2015
New public spaces in Adelaide URBANISTICA INFORMAZIONI 2015
Servizio: Culture, social housing and smart planning: three important topics for Vienna/ Cultura, housing sociale, smart planning: tre temi alla prova, a Vienna URBANISTICA 2015
From the Charter of Public Space to the third Habitat Conference: towards the new urban Agenda URBANISTICA INFORMAZIONI 2015
Reti di luoghi, paesaggi delle tecnologie e nuove connessioni CRIOS 2015
Bordeaux e Lione: valorizzazione del patrimonio culturale nella rigenerazione dei waterfront TRASPORTI & CULTURA 2015
Urban regeneration and liveability trough a sustainable approach and a new system of public spaces URBANISTICA INFORMAZIONI 2015
Infrastrutture blu e verdi, reti virtuali, culturali e sociali URBANISTICA INFORMAZIONI 2015
Infrastrutture blu e verdi, reti virtuali, culturali e sociali/Blue and Green Infrastructures, virtual, cultural and social networks, special issue URBANISTICA INFORMAZIONI 2015
Improving Sustainable Enhancement Of Cultural Heritage: Smart Placemaking For Experiential Paths In Pompeii INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT AND PLANNING 2015
PTCP e Piano metropolitano di Napoli URBANISTICA DOSSIER 2015
The “Happy place mapping” AGRIBUSINESS PAESAGGIO & AMBIENTE 2015
Industrial districts and cultural heritage in contemporary cities in China: two case studies AGRIBUSINESS PAESAGGIO & AMBIENTE 2015
Principles for urban happiness URBANISTICA INFORMAZIONI 2015
Happiness and public space URBANISTICA INFORMAZIONI 2015
The Charter of public space 2015
Introduction The Charter of Public Space 2015

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