Sandra Carillo


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
A magneto-viscoelasticity problem with a singular memory kernel NONLINEAR ANALYSIS: REAL WORLD APPLICATIONS 2017
Continuum physics: a “rational” approach In celebration of Angelo Morro’s 70th birthday and in honor of his contributions to continuum physics BOOK OF ABSTRACTS (Conference Continuum physics: a “rational” approach ) 2017
Singular and regular kernel integro-differential equations and systems to model materials with memory Singular and regular kernel integro-differential equations and systems to model materials with memory 2017
Regular and singular kernel problems in rigid heat conduction with memory AIMETA 2017 XXIII Conference The Italian Association of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics 2017
Regular and singular kernel problems in magneto-viscoelasticity MECCANICA 2017
New trends in Dynamics and Stability Preface MECCANICA 2017
Baecklund transformations and non abelian nonlinear evolution equations. A novel Baecklund chart SYMMETRY, INTEGRABILITY AND GEOMETRY: METHODS AND APPLICATIONS 2016
Second-sound in nonlinear Graffi-Franchi-Straughan type one dimensional heat conductors Proceedings of the 11th International Congress on Thermal Stresses 2016 2016
Viscoelasticity and Magneto-viscoelasticity: some remarks on singular problems Abstracts: short communications, 9th European Conference on Elliptic and Parabolic Problems Gaeta, May 23–27, 2016 2016
Non-classical memory kernels in linear viscoelasticity Viscoelastic and Viscoplastic Materials 2016
Some new results on singular kernel problems in materials with memory 2016
Non Abelian Nonlinear Evolution Equations and Recursion operators: Some new results 2016
Non-Abelian nonlinear evolution equations: a novel invariance property 2016
SIMAI2016 2016
Non Abelian Nonlinear Evolution Equations & Baecklund Transformations 7th European Congress of Mathematics July 18-22, 2016 Technische Universität Berlin Conference Scientific Program 2016
Singular kernel problems in viscoelasticity and magneto-viscoelasticity 7ECM Book of Abstracts 2016
Singular Kernel Problems in Materials with Memory MECCANICA 2015
Non-commutative Baecklund Charts NEEDS 2015 ABSTRACTS 2015
Evolution problems in magneto-viscoelasticity UMI 2015 SOMMARI 2015
Magneto-viscoelasticity models: some recent results AIMETA 2015 ABSTRACTS 2015

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