Irene Rosana Giardina


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Natural swarms in 3.99 dimensions NATURE PHYSICS 2023
Collective response to local perturbations: how to evade threats without losing coherence PHYSICAL BIOLOGY 2023
Discrete Laplacian thermostat for spin systems with conserved dynamics PHYSICAL REVIEW. B 2023
Characterization of lab-based swarms of Anopheles gambiae mosquitoes using 3D-video tracking SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 2023
Renormalization group approach to connect discrete- and continuous-time descriptions of Gaussian processes PHYSICAL REVIEW. E 2022
Signatures of irreversibility in microscopic models of flocking PHYSICAL REVIEW. E 2022
Marginal speed confinement resolves the conflict between correlation and control in natural flocks of birds NATURE COMMUNICATIONS 2022
Dynamical Renormalization Group for Mode-Coupling Field Theories with Solenoidal Constraint JOURNAL OF STATISTICAL PHYSICS 2021
Building general Langevin models from discrete datasets PHYSICAL REVIEW. X 2020
Preface to the special issue on 'Disordered serendipity: a glassy path to discovery' JOURNAL OF PHYSICS. A, MATHEMATICAL AND THEORETICAL 2020
Low-temperature marginal ferromagnetism explains anomalous scale-free correlations in natural flocks COMPTES RENDUS PHYSIQUE 2019
Dynamical renormalization group approach to the collective behaviour of swarms PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 2019
Renormalization group crossover in the critical dynamics of field theories with mode coupling terms PHYSICAL REVIEW. E 2019
Physical constraints in biological collective behaviour CURRENT OPINION IN SYSTEMS BIOLOGY 2018
Nonsymmetric Interactions Trigger Collective Swings in Globally Ordered Systems PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 2017
Dynamic scaling in natural swarms NATURE PHYSICS 2017
The physics of flocking: Correlation as a compass from experiments to theory PHYSICS REPORTS 2017
Entropic effects in a nonequilibrium system: flocks of birds PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 2016
Spatio-temporal correlations in models of collective motion ruled by different dynamical laws PHYSICAL BIOLOGY 2016
Local equilibrium in bird flocks NATURE PHYSICS 2016


  • PE2_18
  • PE3_16
  • PE3_18


  • Big data & computing
  • Life-science technologies & biotechnologies

Interessi di ricerca

Statistical physics of living systems, collective behavior in biological groups, active living matter

Laboratori di ricerca

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma