Ankica Kosic


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
The relationship between populism and attitudes on vaccine against COVID-19: trust in institutions as a moderation factor ANALYSES OF SOCIAL ISSUES AND PUBLIC POLICY 2024
How socio-institutional contexts and cultural worldviews relate to COVID-19 acceptance rates: A representative study in Italy SOCIAL SCIENCE & MEDICINE 2023
Resilience and spirituality as moderators between several concerns and psychological stress during the COVID-19 pandemic. MEDICAL RESEARCH ARCHIVES 2023
The Impact of Socio-Institutional Context and Cultural Worldviews on Acceptance Rates for the COVID-19 Vaccine: A Representative Study of Italian Residents SOCIAL SCIENCE & MEDICINE 2023
Feelings of uncertainty, well-being, and perception of social acceptance in the scholastic context among immigrant and Italian adolescents Evolving Dialogues in Multiculturalism and Multicultural Education 2023
Identity and Symbolic Universes in Voting Behavior. A study of the Italian society PSYCHOLOGY HUB 2023
The effects of binding moral foundations on prejudice against migrants: the mediating role of perceived realistic and symbolic threats GENEALOGY 2023
Perceiving Migrants as a Threat: The Role of the Estimated Number of Migrants and Symbolic Universes GENEALOGY 2023
The relationship between the need for cognitive closure, emotive control and conflict resolution strategies among adolescents Book of Abstracts 2023
The Mediating Role of Binding Moral Foundations and Perceived Realistic and Symbolic Threats on the Relationship Between Need for Cognitive Closure and Prejudice Against Migrants JOURNAL OF IMMIGRANT & REFUGEE STUDIES 2022
Main concerns in times of COVID-19 and distress: the role of resilience and social support. Anxiety, Uncertainty, and Resilience During the Pandemic Period - Anthropological and Psychological Perspectives 2021
COVID-19 and Prejudice against Migrants: The mediating roles of the Need for Cognitive Closure and Binding Moral Foundations. A comparative study. THE JOURNAL OF SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY 2021
The mediating role of National Identification, Binding Foundations and Perceived Threat on the Relationship between Need for Cognitive Closure and Prejudice against Migrants. JOURNAL OF COMMUNITY & APPLIED SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY 2021
A Cross-Cultural Study of Distress during COVID-19 Pandemic: Some Protective and Risk Factors INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH 2021
The Relationship Between the Need for Cognitive Closure, Stereotyped In-group and the Out-group Morality, and Prejudice towards the Out-group SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY 2021
Resilience in migrant population: supportive factors and practices. A European Glossary for Intercultural Dialogue. 2020
Il rammarico e la nostalgia degli immigrati romeni: un’indagine condotta a Roma e Terracina 2020
Local norms and the theory of planned behavior. Understanding the effects of spatial proximity on recycling intentions and self-reported behavior FRONTIERS IN PSYCHOLOGY 2019
Incertezza tra i giovani italiani e le seconde generazioni degli immigrati Osservatorio Romano sulle Migrazioni a Roma. XIV Rapporto 2019
Psychological support to refugee students: the role of various actors Abstract convegno 2018


  • SH2

Interessi di ricerca

I principali interessi scientifici di ricerca sono legati ai seguenti temi:

  • Il multiculturalismo, l’integrazione degli immigrati e dei rifugiati;
  • Resilienza
  • Le relazioni tra i gruppi, in particolare pregiudizio e stereotipi nei confronti degli immigrati;
  • Processi di riconciliazione nelle zone post-conflitto;
  • Epistemic motivations.
  • Moral Foundations Theory


riduzione del pregiudizio

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma