Alessandro Del Tomba


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
The Tocharian Gender System. A diachronic study in nominal morphology 2023
Raffaella Bombi e Vincenzo Orioles (a cura di), Ricordando Roberto Gusmani. Atti del Convegno (Udine, 20 giugno 2022). INCONTRI LINGUISTICI 2023
Variation and change in the formal marking of Khotanese (II). The genitive-dative singular and related problems in Late Khotanese INDOGERMANISCHE FORSCHUNGEN 2023
Ancora su problemi paleografici, filologici e linguistici in tocario. Analisi del verso di THT 530 e del paradigma di TB pīto La Creatività. Prospettive e orizzonti di ricerca nelle scienze umane e sociali 2022
Avestan -ā ̊ ŋhō, Young Avestan -ā ̊ , Old Khotanese -e and the development of the Old Iranian i- and u-stems in Khotanese STUDI E SAGGI LINGUISTICI 2022
A note on the verbal forms in Mycenaean sealings INDOEVROPEJSKOE AZYKOZNANIE I KLASSICESKAA FILOLOGIA 2022
Variation and change in the formal marking of Khotanese (I). A diachronic study on the genitive-dative singular in Old Khotanese INDOGERMANISCHE FORSCHUNGEN 2022
Recensione di: Thomas Lindner, Urindogermanische Grammatik. Teil II: Flexionsparadigmen, Heidelberg, Universitätsverlag Winter, 2021, pp. VI + 370. INCONTRI LINGUISTICI 2022
Review article di: Ronald I. Kim, "The Dual in Tocharian. From Typology to Auslautgesetz”. Dettelbach, Verlag J.H. Röll GmbH (Münchener Studien zur Sprachwissenschaft, Beiheft 26), 2018 [2019]. INCONTRI LINGUISTICI 2021
A Central Asian Buddhist term: remarks on Khotanese saña‑ and Tocharian B sāñ, A ṣāñ INDO-IRANIAN JOURNAL 2021
Genus Alternans in Khotanese? A synchronic analysis of the agreement classes ARCHIVIO GLOTTOLOGICO ITALIANO 2021
The development of PIE *-oi̯ in Tocharian RIVISTA DEGLI STUDI ORIENTALI 2020
The origin of the Tocharian A plural ending -äṃ INDO-EUROPEAN LINGUISTICS 2019
Problemi paleografici e linguistici in tocario – Figure etimologiche e hapax legomena FORMAMENTE 2019
Problemi paleografici e linguistici in tocario. Figure etimologiche e hapax legomena FORMAMENTE 2019
On the pronominal feminine plural in Tocharian INDOGERMANISCHE FORSCHUNGEN 2018
Recensione di Melanie Malzahn, Michaël Peyrot, Hannes A. Fellner, Theresa-Susanna Illés (eds.), Tocharian Texts in Context. International Conference on Tocharian Manuscripts and Silk Road Culture, June 25-29th, 2013, Bremen, Hempen, 2015, pp. 344. INCONTRI LINGUISTICI 2017

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