Marta Moselli


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
The assessment of pathways towards suicide in adolescent patients: A PDM-2-oriented approach PSYCHOLOGY AND PSYCHOTHERAPY 2024
The role of suicidal motivations in adolescence: implications for the psychotherapeutic treatment of suicidal risk RESEARCH IN PSYCHOTHERAPY 2024
Predicting suicide attempts in NSSI pateints: the role of suicidal motivations as an expression of borderline and narcissistic functioning. MEDITERRANEAN JOURNAL OF CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGY 2024
Relationship between Executive Functions, Social Cognition, and Attachment State of Mind in Adolescence: An Explorative Study INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH 2023
The relationship between mood disorders, personality disorder and suicidality in adolescence: does general personality disturbance play a significant role in predicting suicidal behavior? BORDERLINE PERSONALITY DISORDER AND EMOTION DYSREGULATION 2023
Pathways toward suicide in adolescent patients with emerging borderline and narcissistic personality syndromes: A PDM-2-oriented empirical investigation. Book of Abstracts 2022
Managment of the suicidal risk in Adolescence 9th EU-SPR Chapter Meeting Rome 2022, Book of Abstracts 2022
The Study of Motivation in the Suicidal Process: The Motivational Interview for Suicidality FRONTIERS IN PSYCHIATRY 2021
The road from pathological narcissism to suicidality in adolescence: an empirical study INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH 2021
Suicidality and Personality Pathology in Adolescence: A Systematic Review CHILD PSYCHIATRY & HUMAN DEVELOPMENT 2021
Studying the role of motivation for suicide in adolescence: the role of personality emerging patterns MEDITERRANEAN JOURNAL OF CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGY 2021
Produrre sapere o costruire cultura? L'università oggi tra alienazione e ciseterosessismo DWF 2020
Suicide and personality disorder in adolescence Mediterranean journal of clinical psychology MJCP vol. 6, n.2 suppl. 2018 2018
A new insight into borderline and narcissistic dissociative experience: the mentalization of attachment trauma Mediterranean journal of clinical psychology, vol. 5 (2A, suppl.) 2017

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