Flavia Pompeo


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Del Indo al Egeo. Relaciones culturales y lingüísticas en el interior del Imperio aqueménida 2017
Review a Rougemont, Georges: Inscriptions grecques dʼIran et dʼAsie centrale. Avec des contributions de Paul Bernard. ORIENTALISTISCHE LITERATURZEITUNG 2017
Identity in the Repertoire. A Bottom Line Language and Identity in Multilingual Mediterranean Settings. Challenges for Historical Sociolinguistics 2017
Abstract Possession and Experiential Expression. Some Preliminary Remarks Ancient Greek Linguistics. New Approaches, Insights, Perspectives 2017
Towards a Redefinition of ‘Context’. Some Remarks on Methodology regarding Historical Sociolinguistics and Texts of Antiquity Languages & Linguistics Abstracts. 9th Annual International Conference on Languages & Linguistics, 4–7 July 2016, Athens, Greece 2016
Towards a Redefinition of ‘Context’. Some Remarks on Methodology Regarding Historical Sociolinguistics and Texts of Antiquity 9th Annual International Conference on Languages & Linguistics 2016
Considerazioni sui riflessi metalinguistici del variare dello statuto delle “preposizioni” Categorie grammaticali e classi di parole. Statuto e riflessi metalinguistici 2016
Prime applicazioni GIS per la sociolinguistica storica dell’area iranica antica Modelli epistemologici, metodologie della ricerca e qualità del dato. Dalla linguistica storica alla sociolinguistica storica 2015
Verbal Semantics in Ancient Greek Possessive Constructions with eînai JOURNAL OF GREEK LINGUISTICS 2015
I Greci a Persepoli. Alcune riflessioni sociolinguistiche sulle iscrizioni greche nel mondo iranico Contatto interlinguistico fra presente e passato 2015
The Old Persian Genitive. A study of syncretic case Studies on the Iranian World I. Before Islam 2015
The multilingual urban environment of Achaemenid Sardis STUDI E SAGGI LINGUISTICI 2015

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