Maria Serena Panasiti


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Deontological guilt and disgust sensitivity modulate moral behaviour CLINICAL NEUROPSYCHIATRY 2021
Individual tendency to spontaneously lie changes in function of social reputation and interoception 2021
Investigating the Links Between Cultural Values and Belief in Conspiracy Theories: The Key Roles of Collectivism and Masculinity POLITICAL PSYCHOLOGY 2021
Pain perception during social interactions is modulated by self-related and moral contextual cues SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 2020
The Breast Size Satisfaction Survey (BSSS): Breast size dissatisfaction and its antecedents and outcomes in women from 40 nations BODY IMAGE 2020
Exploring the relationship between umbilical blood cord donation and the impact of social distance on altruism and trust INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PSYCHOLOGY 2020
Emotions, Alexithymia, and Emotion Regulation in Patients With Psoriasis FRONTIERS IN PSYCHOLOGY 2020
Oculomotor behavior tracks the effect of ideological priming on deception SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 2020
Impulsive-compulsive disorders in Parkinson’s Disease: Influence on individual and social decision-making processes RIVISTA DI PSICHIATRIA 2020
Cognitive load and emotional processing in psoriasis: a thermal imaging study EXPERIMENTAL BRAIN RESEARCH 2019
Physiological and behavioral reactivity to social exclusion: a functional infrared thermal imaging study in patients with psoriasis JOURNAL OF NEUROPHYSIOLOGY 2019
Left threatened by Right: political intergroup bias in the contemporary Italian context. FRONTIERS IN PSYCHOLOGY 2019
Motherhood status moderates the relationship between perfectionistic self-presentation and breast size dissatisfaction BODY IMAGE 2019
Exploring the effect of social distance on altruism and trust in umbilical cord blood donors Proceedings XXI National Congress Italian Psychological Association, Clinical and Dynamic SectionMEDITERRANEAN JOURNAL OF CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGY 2019
Correction. Right-wing authoritarianism and stereotype-driven expectations interact in shaping intergroup trust in one-shot vs multiple-round social interactions PLOS ONE 2018
The autonomic reactivity of social exclusion in patients with psoriasis: a thermal imaging study" Proceedings XX National Congress AIP- Sezione Clinica e Dinamica- Urbino 2018 MEDITERRANEAN JOURNAL OF CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGY 2018
Perceived warmth and competence of others shape voluntary deceptive behaviour in a morally relevant setting BRITISH JOURNAL OF PSYCHOLOGY 2017
Thermal facial reactivity patterns predict social categorization bias triggered by unconscious and conscious emotional stimuli PROCEEDINGS - ROYAL SOCIETY. BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES 2017
Right-wing authoritarianism and stereotype-driven expectations interact in shaping intergroup trust in one-shot vs multiple-round social interactions PLOS ONE 2017
Commentary: Investigating the effects of anger and guilt on unethical behaviour: A dual-process approach FRONTIERS IN PSYCHOLOGY 2017

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma