Sebastiano Sciarretta


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Von Willebrand factor with increased binding capacity is associated with reduced platelet aggregation but enhanced agglutination in COVID-19 patients: another COVID-19 paradox? JOURNAL OF THROMBOSIS AND THROMBOLYSIS 2021
Von Willebrand factor with increased binding capacity is associated with reduced platelet aggregation but enhanced agglutination in COVID-19 patients: another COVID-19 paradox? JOURNAL OF THROMBOSIS AND THROMBOLYSIS 2021
The role of antioxidants supplementation in clinical practice: focus on cardiovascular risk factors ANTIOXIDANTS 2021
Beneficial effects of a combination of natural product activators of autophagy on endothelial cells and platelets BRITISH JOURNAL OF PHARMACOLOGY 2021
Differential Expression of Sphingolipid Metabolizing Enzymes in Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats: A Possible Substrate for Susceptibility to Brain and Kidney Damage INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES 2021
Impact of chronic use of heat-not-burn cigarettes on oxidative stress, endothelial dysfunction and platelet activation. The SUR-VAPES Chronic Study THORAX 2021
Accelerating the mdx heart histo-pathology through physical exercise LIFE 2021
Trehalose, a natural disaccharide, reduces stroke occurrence in the stroke-prone spontaneously hypertensive rat PHARMACOLOGICAL RESEARCH 2021
Role of oxidative stress and autophagy in thoracic aortic aneurysms JACC. BASIC TO TRANSLATIONAL SCIENCE 2021
An interplay between UCP2 and ROS protects cells from high-salt-induced injury through autophagy stimulation CELL DEATH & DISEASE 2021
A snapshot global survey on side effects of COVID-19 vaccines among healthcare professionals and armed forces with a focus on headache PANMINERVA MEDICA 2021
Oxidative stress in the pathogenesis of antiphospholipid syndrome. Implications for the atherothrombotic process ANTIOXIDANTS 2021
Impact of chronic use of heat-not-burn cigarettes on oxidative stress, endothelial dysfunction and platelet activation. the SUR-VAPES Chronic Study THORAX 2021
Lats2 promotes heart failure by stimulating p53-mediated apoptosis during pressure overload SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 2021
Editorial commentary: How to implement research studies on extracellular vesicle administration in myocardial infarction TRENDS IN CARDIOVASCULAR MEDICINE 2021
Epigenetic Remodeling in Obesity-Related Vascular Disease ANTIOXIDANTS & REDOX SIGNALING 2021
YAP plays a crucial role in the development of cardiomyopathy in lysosomal storage diseases THE JOURNAL OF CLINICAL INVESTIGATION 2021
Tackling myocardial oxidative stress with empagliflozin: Are we big enough to fight heart failure with preserved ejection fraction? CARDIOVASCULAR RESEARCH 2021
Editorial: Mitochondrial dysfunction and cardiovascular diseases FRONTIERS IN CARDIOVASCULAR MEDICINE 2021
A novel signalling mechanism regulating telomere length in cardiomyocytes CARDIOVASCULAR RESEARCH 2021

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