Stefano Eleuteri


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Changes in Sexual Behavior and Satisfaction and Violent Behavior during COVID-19 Lockdown: Explorative Results from the Italian Cross-Sectional Study of the I-SHARE Multi-Country Project INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH 2024
Sexuality and sexual orientation in the twenty-first century Practical clinical andrology 2023
The global impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on individuals' and couples' sexuality FRONTIERS IN PSYCHOLOGY 2022
Covid-19 and sexuality: italian data from international sexual health and reproductive (i-share-1) health survey during covid-19 JOURNAL OF SEXUAL MEDICINE 2022
The International Sexual Health And Reproductive Health Survey (I-SHARE-1): A Multi-Country Analysis of Adults from 30 Countries Prior to and During the Initial COVID-19 Wave CLINICAL INFECTIOUS DISEASES 2021
Comment aborder le travail clinique avec les clients bisexuels âgés et leurs partenaires? SEXOLOGIES 2019
Attitudes towards the sexual rights of LGB people: Factors involved in recognition and denial SEXOLOGIES 2019
How to address clinical work with older bisexual clients and their partners? SEXOLOGIES 2019
Applications pour smartphones. Peuvent-elles être utiles pour l’éducation sexuelle, le counseling et la thérapie? REVUE MÉDICALE SUISSE 2019
Preparare i giovani insieme: un esempio di continuità scuola-università MEDICINA E CHIRURGIA 2019
Sexual well-being in adolescent and young adults born with arm: the perspective of the patients PEDIATRIC SURGERY INTERNATIONAL 2019
Is poor sleep associated with obesity in older adults? A narrative review of the literature EATING AND WEIGHT DISORDERS 2018
Sexual health in your hands. How the smartphone apps can improve your sexual wellbeing? SEXOLOGIES 2018
Sleep quality as predictor of BMI in non-depressed caregivers of people with dementia EATING AND WEIGHT DISORDERS 2018
La santé sexuelle est dans vos mains : comment les applis pour smartphone peuvent-elles améliorer votre bien-être sexuel ? SEXOLOGIES 2018
Alexithymia and sexual/reproductive behavior: ahat are the relationships? Alexithymia, a cognitive and affective deficit 2018
SIMONELLI C, Rossi R and Eleuteri S: F1000Prime Recommendation of [Goldstein I et al., Mayo Clin Proc 2017, 92(1):114-128]. In F1000Prime, 05 May 2017; DOI: 10.3410/f.727073292.793531340. F1000Prime 2017
Identity, relationships, sexuality, and risky behaviors of adolescents in the context of social media SEXUAL AND RELATIONSHIP THERAPY 2017
BDSM. Quando il dolore diventa piacere QUALE PSICOLOGIA 2016
Social media, relazioni e sessualità negli adolescenti QUALE PSICOLOGIA 2016

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