Cesare Di Feliciantonio


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Almost 30 years later, silence is still here with us: introduction of the themed issue GENDER PLACE AND CULTURE 2024
Solidarities in the quest for queer utopias DIALOGUES IN HUMAN GEOGRAPHY 2024
Chemsex among gay men living with HIV aged over 45 in England and Italy: Sociality and pleasure in times of undetectability HIV, Sex and Sexuality in Later Life 2023
‘Like a piece of meat in a pack of wolves': gay/bisexual men and sexual racialization GENDER, PLACE AND CULTURE 2023
Here, there, everywhere: The relational geographies of chemsex TRANSACTIONS OF THE INSTITUTE OF BRITISH GEOGRAPHERS 2023
‘I guess I really survived many crises’: On the benefits of longitudinal ethnographic research AREA 2023
Chemsex at home: Homonormative aspirations and the blurring of the private/public space divide GEOFORUM 2023
Produzione Accademica, Linguaggi e Posizionamenti: Riflessioni a Partire da Decolonialità e Privilegio di Rachele Borghi ACME 2023
Gay Men Living with HIV in England and Italy in Times of Undetectability: A Life Course Perspective Mapping LGBTQ Spaces and Places: A Changing World 2022
Geographies of PrEP, TasP and undetectability: Reconceptualising HIV assemblages to explore what else matters in the lives of gay and bisexual men DIALOGUES IN HUMAN GEOGRAPHY 2022
The housing pathways of lesbian and gay youth and intergenerational family relations: a Southern European perspective HOUSING STUDIES 2022
On HIV assemblages, inequalities and subject formation DIALOGUES IN HUMAN GEOGRAPHY 2022
Conclusion: centring vacancy- towards a research agenda The new urban ruins: Vacancy, urban politics, and international experiments in the post-crisis city 2021
(Im)Material infrastructures and the reproduction of alternative social projects in urban vacant spaces The new urban ruins: Vacancy, urban politics, and international experiments in the post-crisis city 2021
The new urban ruins: Vacancy, urban politics, and international experiments in the post-crisis city 2021
(Un)Ethical Boundaries: Critical Reflections on What We Are (Not) Supposed to Do PROFESSIONAL GEOGRAPHER 2021
Struggles over property in the ‘post-political' era: Notes on the political from Rome and Dublin ENVIRONMENT AND PLANNING. C, POLITICS AND SPACE 2020
Migration as an active strategy to escape the ‘second closet' for HIV-positive gay men in Barcelona and Rome SOCIAL & CULTURAL GEOGRAPHY 2020
Against the romance of the smart community: the case of Milano 4 You The Right to the Smart City 2019

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