Andrea Caputo


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Water conservation and environmental sustainability from a community clinical psychological perspective SUSTAINABILITY 2022
Psychodynamics in Diabetes: The Relevance of Deepening the Symbolic in Treatment Adherence FRONTIERS IN PSYCHOLOGY 2021
Giving a voice to gambling addiction: analysis of personal narratives CULTURE MEDICINE AND PSYCHIATRY 2020
The effectiveness of psychodynamic career counselling: a randomised control trial on the PICS programme PSYCHODYNAMIC PRACTICE 2020
Going beyond the visible in type 2 diabetes mellitus: Defense mechanisms and their associations with depression and health-related quality of life FRONTIERS IN PSYCHOLOGY 2020
Emotional and symbolic components of hikikomori experience: A qualitative narrative study on social withdrawal MEDITERRANEAN JOURNAL OF CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGY 2020
Development and validation of the Dynamic Career Scale (DCS): a psychodynamic conceptualization of career adjustment INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR EDUCATIONAL AND VOCATIONAL GUIDANCE 2020
What About Fertility Staff Emotions? An Explorative Analysis of Healthcare Professionals’ Subjective Perspective EUROPE'S JOURNAL OF PSYCHOLOGY 2020
Towards a community clinical psychology? Insights from a systematic review of peer-reviewed literature COMMUNITY PSYCHOLOGY IN GLOBAL PERSPECTIVE 2020
A systematic review of psychodynamic theories in community psychology: Discovering the unconscious in community work JOURNAL OF COMMUNITY PSYCHOLOGY 2020
Are social support and coping styles differently associated with adjustment to cancer in early and advanced stages? MEDITERRANEAN JOURNAL OF CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGY 2019
La “fabbrica dei miracoli”: modelli simbolico-affettivi condivisi dal personale medico-sanitario di una clinica di fertilità Edizioni Melagrana 2019
Elaborazione della perdita e malattia cronica: effetti sulla qualità della cura nel contesto della diabetologia. Edizioni Melagrana 2019
The experience of therapeutic community: emotional and motivational dynamics of people with drug addiction following rehabilitation INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MENTAL HEALTH AND ADDICTION 2019
Extreme desire for motherhood: analysis of narratives from women undergoing Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) EUROPE'S JOURNAL OF PSYCHOLOGY 2019
Alexithymia and psychological distress affect perceived quality of life in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus MEDITERRANEAN JOURNAL OF CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGY 2019
Which affects affect the use of new technologies? Italian adaptation of the Internet Motive Questionnaire for Adolescents (IMQ-A) and criterion validity with problematic use and body dissatisfaction PSIHOLOGIJA 2019
Simboli e significati nella cultura locale di una periferia urbana: uno studio di caso RASSEGNA DI PSICOLOGIA 2019
Trauma e riparazione in una comunità colpita dal sisma: una lettura clinica dinamica per l’intervento post-emergenziale PSICOLOGIA DELLA SALUTE 2019
Addiction, locus of control and health status: a study on patients with substance use disorder in recovery settings JOURNAL OF SUBSTANCE USE 2019

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